"Intrenching" is a word in ENGLISH

intrenching ENGLISH

of Intrench

Few words of positivity

A pleasant morning. Saw my classmates Gardner, and Wheeler. Wheeler dined, spent the afternoon, and drank Tea with me. Supped at Major Gardiners, and engag'd to keep School at Bristol, provided Worcester People, at their ensuing March meeting, should change this into a moving School, not otherwise. Major Greene this Evening fell into some conversation with me about the Divinity and Satisfaction of Jesus Christ. All the Argument he advanced was, 'that a mere creature, or finite Being, could not make Satisfaction to infinite justice, for any Crimes,' and that 'these things are very mysterious.'(Thus mystery is made a convenient Cover for absur

John Adams, Diary and Autobiography of John Adams: Volumes 1-4, Diary (1755-1804) and Autobiography

Laugh your heart out.

What's big and hairy and goes 'beep beep'?A monster in a traffic jam.

antestature ENGLISH

A small intrenchment or work of palisades, or of sacks of earth.

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cremaillere ENGLISH

An indented or zigzaged line of intrenchment.

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entrench ENGLISH
intrench ENGLISH

To surround with a trench or with intrenchments, as in fortification; to fortify with a ditch and parapet; as, the …

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intrench ENGLISH

To cut in; to furrow; to make trenches in or upon.

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intrench ENGLISH

To invade; to encroach; to infringe or trespass; to enter on, and take possession of, that which belongs to another; …

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intrenchant ENGLISH

Not to be gashed or marked with furrows.

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intrenchment ENGLISH

Any defense or protection.

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intrenchment ENGLISH

An encroachment or infringement.

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intrenchment ENGLISH

Any defensive work consisting of at least a trench or ditch and a parapet made from the earth thrown up …

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intrenchment ENGLISH

The act of intrenching or the state of being intrenched.

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lahas, lahas HILIGAYNON

lahás, láhas - To trespass, intrench on, encroach upon, invade; to be audacious, impertinent, daring. (cf. ahás, káhas, dahás; sáklam, …

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A kind of stockaded intrenchment.

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palanka ENGLISH

A camp permanently intrenched, attached to Turkish frontier fortresses.

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trench ENGLISH

To fortify by cutting a ditch, and raising a rampart or breastwork with the earth thrown out of the ditch; …

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trench ENGLISH

To encroach; to intrench.

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trintsera HILIGAYNON

trintséra - (Sp. trinchera) Trench, intrenchment, bulwark, line of defence. (cf. kalóg, labangán, palalípdan, palamakurán, baluárte). trío, (Sp. trio) Trio, …

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vallation ENGLISH

A rampart or intrenchment.

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