"Intimidation" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Intimidation LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. Ev-ery person commits a misdemeanor, punish-able with a flne or Imprisonment, who wrong-fully uses vlolence to or intimidates any other person, or his wlfe or children, wlth a view to compel him to abstain from doing, or to do, any act which he has a legal right to do, or abstain from doing. (St 38 & 39 Vlct c. 86, 8 7.) This enactment is chiefly dl-rected against outrages by trades-unions. Sweet. There are similar statutes in many of the United States. See Payne v. Rail-road Co., 13 Lea (Tenn.) 514, 49 Am. Rep. 666; Embry v. Oom., 79 Ky. 441

intimidation ENGLISH

The act of making timid or fearful or of deterring by
threats; the state of being intimidated; as, the voters were kept from
the polls by intimidation.

Few words of positivity

Most of the tools from medieval times were extensions of the physical self. Tools are now extensions of the mental self.

Lotoya Peterson

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the idiot who invented the one-piece jigsaw puzzle?

contract ENGLISH

The agreement of two or more persons, upon a sufficient consideration or cause, to do, or to abstain from doing, …

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To require; command; posi-tively direct To require a person, by writ of injunction from a court of equlty, to per-form, …

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Stifling A Proseoution LAW AND LEGAL

Agree-ing, ln conslderatlon of receiving a pecuniary or other advantage, to abstain from prose-cuting a person for an offense not …

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