"Intertissued" is a word in ENGLISH

intertissued ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Man was born free and everywhere he is in shackles.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Laugh your heart out.

A man has a racehorse, never won a race. Man in disgust says," Horse, you win today or you pull a milk wagon tomorrow morning." The starting gate opens, the horses take-off, they move the gate away and there lays his horse asleep on the track. He kicks the horse and asks, "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING. The horse, half asleep says, "I have to get up at three in the morning."


Tapestry; a rich figured fabric; especially, a screen or hangings of heavy cloth with interwoven figures.

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basket ENGLISH

A vessel made of osiers or other twigs, cane, rushes, splints, or other flexible material, interwoven.

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bedcord ENGLISH

A cord or rope interwoven in a bedstead so as to support the bed.

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cancelli ENGLISH

An interwoven or latticed wall or inclosure; latticework, rails, or crossbars, as around the bar of a court of justice, …

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chekmak ENGLISH

A turkish fabric of silk and cotton, with gold thread interwoven.

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clayes ENGLISH

Wattles, or hurdles, made with stakes interwoven with osiers, to cover lodgments.

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contextural ENGLISH

Pertaining to contexture or arrangement of parts; producing contexture; interwoven.

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cyclas ENGLISH

A long gown or surcoat (cut off in front), worn in the Middle Ages. It was sometimes embroidered or interwoven …

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euplectella ENGLISH

A genus of elegant, glassy sponges, consisting of interwoven siliceous fibers, and growing in the form of a cornucopia; -- …

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A platform of hurdles, or small sticks made fast or interwoven, supported by stanchions, for drying codfish and other things.

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interdigitate ENGLISH

To interlock, as the fingers of two hands that are joined; to be interwoven; to commingle.

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intertexture ENGLISH

The act of interweaving, or the state of being interwoven; that which is interwoven.

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interweave ENGLISH

To weave together; to intermix or unite in texture or construction; to intertwine; as, threads of silk and cotton interwoven.

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interwove ENGLISH

Alt. of Interwoven

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interwoven ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Interweave.

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A figure the lines of which are interlaced or intricately interwoven, as in embroidery, gardening, etc.

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knotted ENGLISH

Interwoven; matted; entangled.

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A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a net.

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That which binds or holds, especially by being interwoven; a string, cord, or band, usually one passing through eyelet or …

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