"Intermittently" is a word in ENGLISH

intermittently ENGLISH

With intermissions; in an intermittent manner;

Few words of positivity

We must plant trees, grow gardens instead of lawns, ride bicycles when we can and support responsible local businesses over big brands.

Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why don't men fake orgasm? A: Coz no man would pull those faces on purpose.

apyretic ENGLISH

Without fever; -- applied to days when there is an intermission of fever.

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apyrexy ENGLISH

The absence or intermission of fever.

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articulation ENGLISH

One of the parts intercepted between the joints; also, a subdivision into parts at regular or irregular intervals as a …

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atavism ENGLISH

The recurrence of any peculiarity or disease of an ancestor in a subsequent generation, after an intermission for a generation …

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On; in continuance; without intermission or delay; as, sing away.

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ceaseless ENGLISH

Without intermission or end.

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eternal ENGLISH

Continued without intermission; perpetual; ceaseless; constant.

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An intermission or hesitation of speech, with a sound somewhat like haw! also, the sound so made.

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hinayón - (B) Pause, rest, interruption, stop, interval, intermission, cessation, breathing spell. Walâ sing hinayón ang íya nga pagkánta, pangabúdlay, …

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In Continenti LAW AND LEGAL

Immediately; with-out any interval or Intermission. Calvin. Sometimes written as one word “incontinent

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intermission ENGLISH

The temporary cessation or subsidence of a fever; the space of time between the paroxysms of a disease. Intermission is …

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intermission ENGLISH

The act or the state of intermitting; the state of being neglected or disused; disuse; discontinuance.

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intermission ENGLISH

Cessation for a time; an intervening period of time; an interval; a temporary pause; as, to labor without intermission; an …

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intermission ENGLISH

Intervention; interposition.

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intermissive ENGLISH

Having temporary cessations; not continual; intermittent.

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intermittence ENGLISH

Act or state of intermitting; intermission.

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With intermissions; at intervals.

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interpause ENGLISH

An intermission.

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interpolate ENGLISH

To renew; to carry on with intermission.

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interruption ENGLISH

Temporary cessation; intermission; suspension.

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