"Intemperature" is a word in ENGLISH

intemperature ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Love is beautiful." - Malcolm Fade

Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Laugh your heart out.

Judge: Tell me your occupation. Prisoner; I'm a locksmith, Your Honour. Judge: Then what were you doing in a jewellery shop in the middle of the night when the police saw you? Prisoner; Making a bolt for the door!

acrasy ENGLISH

Excess; intemperance.

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attendant ENGLISH

Accompanying, connected with, or immediately following, as consequential; consequent; as, intemperance with all its attendant evils.

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crapulence ENGLISH

The sickness occasioned by intemperance; surfeit.

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crusade ENGLISH

Any enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm; as, a crusade against intemperance.

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debauch ENGLISH

Excess in eating or drinking; intemperance; drunkenness; lewdness; debauchery.

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debauch ENGLISH

To lead away from purity or excellence; to corrupt in character or principles; to mar; to vitiate; to pollute; to …

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debauchedness ENGLISH

The state of being debauched; intemperance.

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debauchee ENGLISH

One who is given to intemperance or bacchanalian excesses; a man habitually lewd; a libertine.

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debauchery ENGLISH

Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness.

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debilitate ENGLISH

To impair the strength of; to weaken; to enfeeble; as, to debilitate the body by intemperance.

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destructive ENGLISH

Causing destruction; tending to bring about ruin, death, or devastation; ruinous; fatal; productive of serious evil; mischievous; pernicious; -- often …

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dissipated ENGLISH

Wasteful of health, money, etc., in the pursuit of pleasure; dissolute; intemperate.

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Bad temperature; intemperateness; excess of heat or cold, or of other qualities; as, the distemperature of the air.

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To quaff exhilarating or intoxicating liquors, in merriment or feasting; to carouse; to revel; hence, to lake alcoholic liquors to …

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excess ENGLISH

An undue indulgence of the appetite; transgression of proper moderation in natural gratifications; intemperance; dissipation.

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That which is produced; the effect or consequence of any action; advantageous or desirable product or result; disadvantageous or evil …

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growth ENGLISH

The process of growing; the gradual increase of an animal or a vegetable body; the development from a seed, germ, …

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insobriety ENGLISH

Want of sobriety, moderation, or calmness; intemperance; drunkenness.

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intemperance ENGLISH

Specifically: Habitual or excessive indulgence in alcoholic liquors.

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intemperance ENGLISH

The act of becoming, or state of being, intemperate; excess in any kind of action or indulgence; any immoderate indulgence …

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