"Instead" is a word in ENGLISH

instead ENGLISH

Equivalent; equal to; -- usually with of.

instead ENGLISH

In the place or room; -- usually followed by of.

Few words of positivity

Man kann davon überzeugt sein, sich etwas zu wünschen - vielleicht jahrelang - solang man weiß, dass der Wunsch unerfüllbar ist. Steht man aber plötzlich vor der Möglichkeit, dass der Wunschtraum Wirklichkeit wird, dann wünscht man sich nur noch eins: Man hätte es sich nie gewünscht.

Michael Ende, Die unendliche Geschichte

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Why was Goliath so surprised when David hit him with a slingshot?A. The thought had never entered his head before.

exchange ENGLISH

To part with give, or transfer to another in consideration of something received as an equivalent; -- usually followed by …

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n. cause, motive, reason, origin. v. /AG-/ to come from. Naggapoak idiay simbaan. I came from the church. /MANG-/ to …

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kapareho ILOKANO

n. that to which the subject is similar, equivalent, identical. --syn. KAPADA. PARI [short of KUMPARI], n. a term of …

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The surface, or surface-covering of the land, not including mlnerals beneath it or grass or plants growing upon lt But …

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worthy ENGLISH

Having suitable, adapted, or equivalent qualities or value; -- usually with of before the thing compared or the object; more …

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