"Insalubrious" is a word in ENGLISH

insalubrious ENGLISH

Not salubrious or healthful; unwholesome; as, an
insalubrious air or climate.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.

Marcus Annaeus Seneca

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a black Eskimo dog ?A dusky husky !

benedict ENGLISH

Having mild and salubrious qualities.

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healthful ENGLISH

Serving to promote health of body or mind; wholesome; salubrious; salutary; as, a healthful air, diet.

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healthsome ENGLISH

Wholesome; salubrious.

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healthy ENGLISH

Conducive to health; wholesome; salubrious; salutary; as, a healthy exercise; a healthy climate.

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laudable ENGLISH

Healthy; salubrious; normal; having a disposition to promote healing; not noxious; as, laudable juices of the body; laudable pus.

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salubrious ENGLISH

Favorable to health; healthful; promoting health; as, salubrious air, water, or climate.

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salubrity ENGLISH

The quality of being salubrious; favorableness to the preservation of health; salubriousness; wholesomeness; healthfulness; as, the salubrity of the air, …

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sweeten ENGLISH

To make pure and salubrious by destroying noxious matter; as, to sweeten rooms or apartments that have been infected; to …

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wholesome ENGLISH

Tending to promote health; favoring health; salubrious; salutary.

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