"Inofficiosum" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Inofficiosum LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil lnw. In-officious; coutrary to natural duty or affec-tion. Used of a will of a parent which dis-inherited a child without just cause, or that of a child whicli disinherited a parent, nnd which could he contested hy querela inofflci-osi testament). Dig. 2, 5, 3, 13; Paulus, lib. 4, tit 5, | L

Few words of positivity

The next time you find yourself getting angry, ask yourself: Is this really something I want to give my time and energy to? Will doing so make any positive impact? If your answer is no, consider redirecting that anger-energy as soon as possible! Find something to do that will feed your soul, fuel your fire, passion and creativity. Find something that will bring something new and positive to this world.

Akiroq Brost

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why didn't Intel call the Pentium the 586?A: Because they added 486 and 100 on the first Pentium and got 585.999983605.

tikungkung CEBUANO

tikungkung v [A; c1] curl up the legs. Nagtikungkung siyang natúg sa katugnaw, It was so cold that he slept …

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heart's-ease ENGLISH

A species of violet (Viola tricolor); -- called also pansy.

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A game similar to whist, and the predecessor of it.

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sagungsung CEBUANO

sagungsung v [B; a12] speak through the nose. Magsagungsung ang átung sinultihan basta sip-unun ta, You speak through the nose …

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wastethrift ENGLISH
serpiginous ENGLISH

Creeping; -- said of lesions which heal over one portion while continuing to advance at another.

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lubricity ENGLISH

Slipperiness; instability; as, the lubricity of fortune.

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half-sighted ENGLISH

Seeing imperfectly; having weak discernment.

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register ENGLISH

To enter in a register; to record formally and distinctly, as for future use or service.

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vesture ENGLISH

A garment or garments; a robe; clothing; dress; apparel; vestment; covering; envelope.

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artist ENGLISH

One who professes and practices an art in which science and taste preside over the manual execution.

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isá-ísa - Dim. and Freq. of isá. Isá-ísa (nagaisáísa) lang siá dirâ. He is there quite alone, all by himself. …

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The German language.

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contingency ENGLISH

An adjunct or accessory.

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gúngì v {1} [A; a] break s.t. o? of s.t. Gigúngì níya ang mga butúnis sa íyang dintru, He plucked …

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In old conveyancing. [He] has demised. See Dimisi

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redhibition ENGLISH

The annulling of a sale, and the return by the buyer of the article sold, on account of some defect.

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urud a pregnant. v [B126; b6] be, become pregnant.

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unappalled ENGLISH

Not appalled; not frightened; dauntless; undaunted.

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gurgur ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to refine; to reduce to a pure state; to free from impurities: said of metals. Ginurguran na daydiay …

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