"Inklinar" is a word in CEBUANO

inklinar CEBUANO

inklinar v [A; c1] tilt to one side.
Niinklinar ug gamay dapit sa wala ang balay human sa línug, The house tilted a little to the left after the earthquake.
Dì ku makainklinar sa ákung úlu kay nagtikig ákung líug, I cant let my head tilt to the side because I have sti?

Few words of positivity

Procrastination is a way of living in the past instead of the present moment.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Caller: My goodness, Operator! Your nose is so stuffed up, I can't understand you. You should really take something for that cold. Operator: Good idea. I'll take the rest of the day off!

bahirig CEBUANO

bahirig a tilted, leaning to one side. v [B; c1] lean to one side. Nagbahirig ang mga tanum tungud sa …

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bawhinya CEBUANO

bawhinya n orchid trees, small or ornamental trees of the genus bauhinia, bearing flowers resembling orchids. báwì v [A; a2] …

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bikil v {1} [A; c1] nudge, move s.t. out of its position. Kinsay nagbikil sa kwadru nga naharag man? Who …

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hangad CEBUANO

hangad v {1} [A; ab2] look up, turn the head up. Dì ku ka-hangad kay mitikig ákung líug, I cannot …

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hiay v [B; c1] for a part of the body or dress to droop to one side. Mihiay ang úlu …

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hílig v {1} [B; a] be leaning, tilted to one side. Mihílig ang sakayan nga gihapak sa balud, The boat …

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hirig a in a leaning position. Hirig ang ílang balay human sa bagyu, Their house was tilted to one side …

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kabù v [A; a] {1} dip water, scoop solids out of a container. Kabuun ta ning túbig sa tangki, Dip …

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kiling CEBUANO

kíling v [A2S; c1] {1} lean, list to one side. Nikíling ang sakayan paghampak sa dagkung balud, The boat tilted …

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likwang CEBUANO

likwang v [A; b2c1] tilt or turn s.t. heavy over. Likwángun (ilik-wang) ku ang batu ug náa bay kinhasun sa …

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pihig a {1} slanting, not straight. Ang halígi pihig sa tuu, The post is tilted to the right. {2} favoring. …

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tahirig CEBUANO

tahirig (from hirig) v [B; c1] lean, tilt to one side. Nagtahirig ang lubi padúlung sa karsáda, The coconut tree …

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takilid CEBUANO

takílid (from kílid) v [A2S; c1] {1} tilt, turn over on the side. Nilísù siya kay mutakílid siya paghigdà, He …

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takiling CEBUANO

takiling, takíling v [B; c1] tilt, turn over on the sides. Dalia ang masitíra kay nagtakiling na, Hurry and fix …

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tampiri CEBUANO

tampiri v [B; c1] lean, tilt. Mitampiri (natampiri) ang lubi sa paghángin ug kusug, The coconut tree tilted during the …

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tangâ - To look up, tilt back one’s head, lift—, raise—, one’s eyes (head). Tangá ka. Hold your head up. …

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tarung CEBUANO

tárung a {1} straight, not curved. Tárung nga dálan, Straight path. {2} straight, not tilting or slanting. v {1} [A; …

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tuwang CEBUANO

tuwang, túwang v [AB; c1] tilt s.t. over on its side, for s.t. to tilt. Hináyag tuwang ang táru ug …

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