"Injures Graves" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Injures Graves LAW AND LEGAL

Fr. In French law. Grievous insults or injuries, including personal lnsults and reproachful language, constituting a Just cause of divorce. Butler v. Butler, 1 Pars. Eq. Cas. (Pa.) 344

Few words of positivity

... I succeeded at math, at least by the usual evaluation criteria: grades. Yet while I might have earned top marks in geometry and algebra, I was merely following memorized rules, plugging in numbers and dutifully crunching out answers by rote, with no real grasp of the significance of what I was doing or its usefulness in solving real-world problems. Worse, I knew the depth of my own ignorance, and I lived in fear that my lack of comprehension would be discovered and I would be exposed as an academic fraud -- psychologists call this "imposter syndrome".

Jennifer Ouellette, The Calculus Diaries: How Math Can Help You Lose Weight, Win in Vegas, and Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Laugh your heart out.

What did the dog take when he was run down?The license number of the car that hit him.


To go or get into a hole.

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hypoplastra ENGLISH

In old criminal law. Carnally. Camaliter cognovit, carnally knew. Technlcal words in Indictments for rape, and held essential. 1 Hale, …

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bounce ENGLISH

To leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously; to bound; as, she bounced into the room.

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tútal v {1} [A; a12] add up. Búgù giyug aritmitik ang nagtútal íni, The one who added this up must …

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numiru CEBUANO

numíru di- a done by the number. Dinumiru ang ílang pagtawag sa ílang mga binatunan, They call their servants by …

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A scolding; a brawl.

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travel ENGLISH

An account, by a traveler, of occurrences and observations during a journey; as, a book of travels; -- often used …

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eradiation ENGLISH

Emission of radiance.

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effigiate ENGLISH

To form as an effigy; hence, to fashion; to adapt.

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sparteine ENGLISH

A narcotic alkaloid extracted from the tops of the common broom (Cytisus scoparius, formerly Spartium scoparium), as a colorless oily …

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dactylar ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a finger or toe, or to the claw of an insect crustacean.

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numerous ENGLISH

Consisting of poetic numbers; rhythmical; measured and counted; melodious; musical.

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argonauta ENGLISH

A genus of Cephalopoda. The shell is called paper nautilus or paper sailor.

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To unsheathe a weapon, especially a sword.

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tutunlan CEBUANO

tutunlan see túlun.

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jadish ENGLISH

Unchaste; -- applied to a woman.

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touchily ENGLISH

In a touchy manner.

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