"Inhalant" is a word in ENGLISH

inhalant ENGLISH

An apparatus also called an inhaler (which see); that
which is to be inhaled.

inhalant ENGLISH

Inhaling; used for inhaling.

Few words of positivity

There are two kinds of travel: first class and with children.

Robert Benchley, Pluck and Luck

Laugh your heart out.

Little Johnny 's next door neighbors had a baby. Unfortunately, the little baby was born with no ears. When they arrived home from the hospital, the parents invited Little Johnny's family to come over and see their new baby. Little Johnny's parents were very afraid that their son would have a wise crack to say about the baby so the dad had a long talk with little Johnny before going to the neighbors. He said "Now, son... that poor baby was born without any ears. I want you to be on your best behavior and not say one word about his ears or I am really going to spank you when we get back home." "I promise not to mention his ears at all" said Little Johnny. At the neighbors home, Little Johnny leaned over in the crib and touched the baby's hand He looked at it's mother and said "Oh What a Beautiful little baby". The mother said "Thank you very much, Little Johnny." He then said, "this baby has perfect little hands and perfect little feet. Why... just look at his pretty little eyes.... Did his doctor say that he can see good?" The Mother said "why, yes Johnny... his doctor said he has 20/20 vision. Little Johnny said "well, its a darn good thing, cause he sure couldn't wear glasses!!!

accelerograph ENGLISH

An apparatus for studying the combustion of powder in guns, etc.

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accelerometer ENGLISH

An apparatus for measuring the velocity imparted by gunpowder.

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accumulator ENGLISH

An apparatus by means of which energy or power can be stored, such as the cylinder or tank for storing …

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acetifier ENGLISH

An apparatus for hastening acetification.

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aeolipyle ENGLISH

An apparatus consisting chiefly of a closed vessel (as a globe or cylinder) with one or more projecting bent tubes, …

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aerator ENGLISH

That which supplies with air; esp. an apparatus used for charging mineral waters with gas and in making soda water.

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aeroscope ENGLISH

An apparatus designed for collecting spores, germs, bacteria, etc., suspended in the air.

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alembic ENGLISH

An apparatus formerly used in distillation, usually made of glass or metal. It has mostly given place to the retort …

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antheridium ENGLISH

The male reproductive apparatus in the lower, consisting of a cell or other cavity in which spermatozoids are produced; -- …

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aparatu CEBUANO

aparátu n apparatus.

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apparatus ENGLISH

A collection of organs all of which unite in a common function; as, the respiratory apparatus.

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apparatus ENGLISH

Hence: A full collection or set of implements, or utensils, for a given duty, experimental or operative; any complex instrument …

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apparatus ENGLISH

Things provided as means to some end.

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apparel ENGLISH

To furnish with apparatus; to equip; to fit out.

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appliance ENGLISH

The thing applied or used as a means to an end; an apparatus or device; as, to use various appliances; …

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arrastre ENGLISH

A rude apparatus for pulverizing ores, esp. those containing free gold.

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aspirator ENGLISH

An apparatus for passing air or gases through or over certain liquids or solids, or for exhausting a closed vessel, …

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atmolyzer ENGLISH

An apparatus for effecting atmolysis.

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