"Informity" is a word in ENGLISH

informity ENGLISH

Want of regular form; shapelessness.

Few words of positivity

If you can't tell from my rap lyrics already, yes I am a feminist. And when I'm saying "hoe" or "bitch" I am actually referring to men. ...That sounded bad, in someway. But at the end of the day, I'm sick of rappers using "bitches" and "hoes" as terms towards women. Feminists are NOT a hate group. Feminists are not all female. Nor has it got an anti-male agenda. It's about equality! I've had a weird, special bond with women since I was a kid. And it's just a shame really that I'm gay.

scott mcgoldrick

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Know how to solve the Serbian/Bosnian problem in less than 48 hours?A: Put Janet Reno in charge.

disarray ENGLISH

Want of array or regular order; disorder; confusion.

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disorder ENGLISH

Want of order or regular disposition; lack of arrangement; confusion; disarray; as, the troops were thrown into disorder; the papers …

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formless ENGLISH

Shapeless; without a determinate form; wanting regularity of shape.

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informality ENGLISH

The state of being informal; want of regular, prescribed, or customary form; as, the informality of legal proceedings.

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ophiomorpha ENGLISH

An order of tailless amphibians having a slender, wormlike body with regular annulations, and usually with minute scales imbedded in …

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puntu n {1} point, the important or main idea. Klarúha ang puntu sa buut mung ipasabut, Clarify the point that …

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shapeless ENGLISH

Destitute of shape or regular form; wanting symmetry of dimensions; misshapen; -- opposed to shapely.

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típig - Preserving, keeping (in a safe state); to guard well, reserve, preserve, keep, save, lay—aside,—by,—away,—up in store, deposit, garner …

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unfeatured ENGLISH

Wanting regular features; deformed.

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