"Inexhausted" is a word in ENGLISH

inexhausted ENGLISH

Not exhausted; not emptied; not spent; not having lost
all strength or resources; unexhausted.

Few words of positivity

The best thing about existence is that any moment in time can be a point of beginning to anything! In other words, every moment of our life holds a key for the unknown or the closed doors of new paths!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Laugh your heart out.

There is a new Barbie doll on the market - Siamese Twins Barbie ...complete with surgical instruments

air pump ENGLISH

A kind of pump for exhausting air from a vessel or closed space; also, a pump to condense air or …

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air pump ENGLISH

A pump used to exhaust from a condenser the condensed steam, the water used for condensing, and any commingled air.

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Exhausted of moisture; parched with heat; dry; barren.

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aspirator ENGLISH

An apparatus for passing air or gases through or over certain liquids or solids, or for exhausting a closed vessel, …

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bannog ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to tire oneself. Dika nga agbanbannog, barok ko. Don’t tire yourself, my son. /MA-/ to be tired, weary, …

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bdellometer ENGLISH

A cupping glass to which are attached a scarificator and an exhausting syringe.

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Weary; tired; fatigued; exhausted.

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beaten ENGLISH

Exhausted; tired out.

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The exhaust steam from and engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an …

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blast pipe ENGLISH

The exhaust pipe of a steam engine, or any pipe delivering steam or air, when so constructed as to cause …

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Out of breath; tired; exhausted.

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breathe ENGLISH

To put out of breath; to exhaust.

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bug-at CEBUANO

bug-at a {1} heavy. {2} di? cult to accomplish, onerous. Bug-at nga taríya, Di? cult task. Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy …

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colliquative ENGLISH

Causing rapid waste or exhaustion; melting; as, colliquative sweats.

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condenser ENGLISH

An apparatus, separate from the cylinder, in which the exhaust steam is condensed by the action of cold water or …

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crookes tube ENGLISH

A vacuum tube in which the exhaustion is carried to a very high degree, with the production of a distinct …

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dalutaytay ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ 1. to be weak, feeble, exhausted. hence 2. to swoon or collapse due to weakness or exhaustion.

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dápol - To tire, fatigue, exhaust, spend, weaken, enfeeble, weary, knock up. Ginadápol akó sang paglakát, sang pangabúdlay, etc. I …

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deplete ENGLISH

To reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of; to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, …

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desiccate ENGLISH

To dry up; to deprive or exhaust of moisture; to preserve by drying; as, to desiccate fish or fruit.

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