"Indorsed" is a word in ENGLISH

indorsed ENGLISH

See Addorsed.

indorsed ENGLISH

of Indorse

Few words of positivity

I do not understand why I was held back from Sedona for so many years. My spirit was broken down, and I lost everything, friends, pets, pieces of myself were lying everywhere. I felt like a massive failure from Boston, then a failure because I could not manifest Sedona. It almost seems like I had to give up, and let go of the iron grip I had on Sedona, in order to finally understand it better. Focusing on other dreams and paths, let me lighten up further, until it came unexpectedly at the door and knocked. "Remember Me? I am the dream you buried, and thought you would never get, but it feels right now, and you should just go for it".

Jennifer Underwood, The Road to Sedona-All Paths Lead to You: How One Woman's Past Life Can Shape the Future

Laugh your heart out.

Is it proper to eat a hamburger with your fingers?No, you should eat your fingers separately!

miting ENGLISH

A little one; -- used as a term of endearment.

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sleeper ENGLISH

A large fresh-water gobioid fish (Eleotris dormatrix).

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go-out ENGLISH

A sluice in embankments against the sea, for letting out the land waters, when the tide is out.

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catkin ENGLISH

An ament; a species of inflorescence, consisting of a slender axis with many unisexual apetalous flowers along its sides, as …

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English: come in, continue Tagalog: tuloy

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túpad - (seldom tupád) To be at the side of, close by, near at hand, at one’s elbow, in the …

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bugger ENGLISH

A wretch; -- sometimes used humorously or in playful disparagement.

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shearman ENGLISH

One whose occupation is to shear cloth.

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túsop - To bite off a piece, eat by snaps and snatches, gnaw, nibble, pick (a bone, etc.). (cf. áp-ap, …

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amputation ENGLISH

The act of amputating; esp. the operation of cutting off a limb or projecting part of the body.

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dogmatize ENGLISH

To assert positively; to teach magisterially or with bold and undue confidence; to advance with arrogance.

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igurut CEBUANO

igurut {2} euphemism for ignuranti.

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auriform ENGLISH

Having the form of the human ear; ear-shaped.

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Cour De Cassation LAW AND LEGAL

The supreme judicial tribunal of France, having appellate jurisdiction only. For an account of its corn-position and powers, see Jones, …

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mercury ENGLISH

A metallic element mostly obtained by reduction from cinnabar, one of its ores. It is a heavy, opaque, glistening liquid …

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publish ENGLISH

To utter, or put into circulation; as, to publish counterfeit paper.

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irrespective ENGLISH

Without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; unbiased; independent; impartial; as, an irrespective judgment.

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