"Indiscriminative" is a word in ENGLISH

indiscriminative ENGLISH

Making no distinction; not discriminating.

Few words of positivity

f you don’t heal yourself, you willcontinue relying on miracles to heal your manifestations,one after another, creating a cycle where you don’t makeany progress. Unless the root cause is eliminated, the problem will reappear in some form.

Elizabeth M. Herrera, Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators

Laugh your heart out.

A drunken man was wondering around the parking lot of a bar, bumping into every car and then rubbing the roofs of the cars. The manager comes out of the bar and stops the guy. "What the heck are you doing?" he asks the drunk. "I'm looking for my car, and I can't find it." "So how does feeling the roof help you?" He asked the drunk. "Well," the drunk replied. "MY car has two blue lights and a siren on the roof!!"

accentuate ENGLISH

To bring out distinctly; to make prominent; to emphasize.

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anabaab ILOKANO

n. the sound or echo of speech that is not heard distinctly. Matmaturog da ngata ta awan ti anabaab da. …

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ásoy - Explanation, clear statement; to explain, expound, make clear, relate distinctly. Asóya inâ sing maáyo. Explain that well. Asóyi …

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áthag - Clearness, distinctness; to become or make clear, distinct. Athagí akó sinâ. Make that clear to me. Nagáthag na …

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characterize ENGLISH

To make distinct and recognizable by peculiar marks or traits; to make with distinctive features.

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creaser ENGLISH

A tool for making the band impression distinct on the back.

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critical ENGLISH

Inclined to make nice distinctions, or to exercise careful judgment and selection; exact; nicely judicious.

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deafen ENGLISH

To make deaf; to deprive of the power of hearing; to render incapable of perceiving sounds distinctly.

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Destruction LAW AND LEGAL

A term used in old English law, generally in connection with waste, and having, according to some, the same meaning. …

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To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore.

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dignify ENGLISH

To invest with dignity or honor; to make illustrious; to give distinction to; to exalt in rank; to honor.

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To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct; to take away the luster of; to darken; …

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discern ENGLISH

To see or understand the difference; to make distinction; as, to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood.

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discriminate ENGLISH

To make a difference or distinction; to distinguish accurately; as, in judging of evidence, we should be careful to discriminate …

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Observing distinctions; making differences; discriminating.

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distinguish ENGLISH

To separate from others by a mark of honor; to make eminent or known; to confer distinction upon; -- with …

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distinguish ENGLISH

To become distinguished or distinctive; to make one's self or itself discernible.

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distinguish ENGLISH

Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark off by …

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distinguish ENGLISH

To make distinctions; to perceive the difference; to exercise discrimination; -- with between; as, a judge distinguishes between cases apparently …

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The solid materials which make up the globe, in distinction from the air or water; the dry land.

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