"Indifferency" is a word in ENGLISH

indifferency ENGLISH

Absence of interest in, or influence from, anything;
unconcernedness; equilibrium; indifferentism; indifference.

Few words of positivity

Free yourself from the need to blame others. There are two reasons that you are where you are right now action or inaction.

Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Laugh your heart out.

What do they call a meeting among the most brilliant people in Burger Land?A MEATing of the minds!

indifference ENGLISH

Absence of anxiety or interest in respect to what is presented to the mind; unconcernedness; as, entire indifference to all …

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Negotiorum Gestor LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In the civil law. A transacter or manager of busi-ness; a person voluntarily constituting him-self ageut for another; one …

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