"Indentured" is a word in ENGLISH

indentured ENGLISH

of Indenture

Few words of positivity

The worst fear in the hearings was that you would get some evil interrogator: you could never know what might happen then. No one who lives in a free country will ever understand that kind of fear. What is most horrifying is the realization that you have no idea what can happen, that your life is totally in the hands of someone in the chair in front of you, someone might well be a demon.

Diet Eman, Things We Couldn't Say

Laugh your heart out.

There is a new Barbie doll on the market - Eye Patch Barbie ...with a choice of eye patch colors: purple, hot pink, or aqua!

apprentice ENGLISH

One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a mechanic, or other person, for a certain …

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To place under legal obligation to serve; to indenture; as, to bind an apprentice; -- sometimes with out; as, bound …

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bossage ENGLISH

Rustic work, consisting of stones which seem to advance beyond the level of the building, by reason of indentures or …

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counterpane ENGLISH

A duplicate part or copy of an indenture, deed, etc., corresponding with the original; -- now called counterpart.

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deed poll ENGLISH

A deed of one part, or executed by only one party, and distinguished from an indenture by having the edge …

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DA. In old records. An .in-denture ; one counterpart of an indenture

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escalop ENGLISH

A regular, curving indenture in the margin of anything. See Scallop.

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A farm; a rent; a lease; a house or land, or both, taken by indenture or lease. Plowd. 195; Vicat, …

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follower ENGLISH

Among law stationers, a sheet of parchment or paper which is added to the first sheet of an indenture or …

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indent ENGLISH

To bind out by indenture or contract; to indenture; to apprentice; as, to indent a young man to a shoemaker; …

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indented ENGLISH

Bound out by an indenture; apprenticed; indentured; as, an indented servant.

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indenture ENGLISH

A mutual agreement in writing between two or more parties, whereof each party has usually a counterpart or duplicate; sometimes …

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indenture ENGLISH

To bind by indentures or written contract; as, to indenture an apprentice.

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indenture ENGLISH

To indent; to make hollows, notches, or wrinkles in; to furrow.

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indenture ENGLISH

The act of indenting, or state of being indented.

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indenture ENGLISH

To run or wind in and out; to be cut or notched; to indent.

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A deed to which two or more persons are parties, and in whlch these enter lnto reclprocal and corresponding grants …

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A trade, art, or occupation. 2 Inst 668. Masters frequently bind them-selves in the indentures with their appren-tices to teach …

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