"Indefinite" is a word in ENGLISH

indefinite ENGLISH

Boundless; infinite.

indefinite ENGLISH

Having no determined or certain limits; large and
unmeasured, though not infinite; unlimited; as indefinite space; the
indefinite extension of a straight line.

indefinite ENGLISH

Too numerous or variable to make a particular
enumeration important; -- said of the parts of a flower, and the like.
Also, indeterminate.

indefinite ENGLISH

Not definite; not limited, defined, or specified; not
explicit; not determined or fixed upon; not precise; uncertain; vague;
confused; obscure; as, an indefinite time, plan, etc.

Few words of positivity

Did you help someone today? If you did you know how that feels to truly live and know the meaning of life.

John J. McDaniel

Laugh your heart out.

Waiter, there is a fly in my bean soup !Don't worry sir I'll fish him out and exchange it for a bean !

infinite ENGLISH

Indefinitely large or extensive; great; vast; immense; gigantic; prodigious.

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infinitesimal ENGLISH

Infinitely or indefinitely small; less than any assignable quantity or value; very small.

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In Infinitum LAW AND LEGAL

Infinitely; indefinitely. Imports Indefinite succession or continuance

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