"Indagator" is a word in ENGLISH

indagator ENGLISH

A searcher; an explorer; an investigator.

Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!

explorator ENGLISH

One who explores; one who examines closely; a searcher.

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manglilighot HILIGAYNON

manglilíghot - Searcher, investigator, one of a search party. (cf. líghot).

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Lat . In old English law. A searcher or bailiff of a river; a water-bailiff, whose business was to look …

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searcher ENGLISH

An instrument for feeling after calculi in the bladder, etc.

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searcher ENGLISH

An implement for sampling butter; a butter trier.

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searcher ENGLISH

Formerly, an officer in London appointed to examine the bodies of the dead, and report the cause of death.

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searcher ENGLISH

An officer of the customs whose business it is to search ships, merchandise, luggage, etc.

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searcher ENGLISH

An instrument for examining the bore of a cannon, to detect cavities.

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searcher ENGLISH

An inspector of leather.

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searcher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, searhes or examines; a seeker; an inquirer; an examiner; a trier.

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In English law. An officer of the customs, whose duty lt is to examine and search all ships outward bound, …

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streamer ENGLISH

A searcher for stream tin.

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