"Inculcation" is a word in ENGLISH

inculcation ENGLISH

A teaching and impressing by frequent repetitions.

Few words of positivity

Knowingness: I am like a newborn baby every day I wake up with a new slate to create.

Katina Marshell Cotton-Sliwa, We R 1

Laugh your heart out.

Does your mum like shopping on the Internet?

No, the trolley keeps rolling off the top of the computer.


A primer for teaching the alphabet and first elements of reading.

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abecedarian ENGLISH

One engaged in teaching the alphabet.

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accommodate ENGLISH

To show the correspondence of; to apply or make suit by analogy; to adapt or fit, as teachings to accidental …

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acoustics ENGLISH

The science of sounds, teaching their nature, phenomena, and laws.

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acroamatical ENGLISH

Communicated orally; oral; -- applied to the esoteric teachings of Aristotle, those intended for his genuine disciples, in distinction from …

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al-al a adult, full-grown birds. Lisud tudlúag sulti ning al-al nga piríku, Its hard to teach a full-grown parrot to …

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ánda - (B) Their, theirs. Anda diá nga nióg. (Ila iníng lubí). This coconut is theirs—, belongs to them. (cf. …

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Ang ákù gud, ug mahibaw-an unyà, The thing that Im worried about is if he finds out. Misyágit. Tíaw mu …

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balur a dignified, having high prestige. Ang pagmaistra balur kaáyung pangitáa, Teaching is a prestigious calling. pa- v {2} [A; …

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bantuk CEBUANO

bantuk a {1} hard and compact. Bantuk kaáyung unud sa gábi, Taro meat is very firm. {2} for muscles to …

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brownism ENGLISH

The views or teachings of Robert Brown of the Brownists.

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buddhism ENGLISH

The religion based upon the doctrine originally taught by the Hindoo sage Gautama Siddartha, surnamed Buddha, \"the awakened or enlightened,\" …

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buddhist ENGLISH

One who accepts the teachings of Buddhism.

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cabala ENGLISH

A kind of occult theosophy or traditional interpretation of the Scriptures among Jewish rabbis and certain mediaeval Christians, which treats …

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calvinistical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Calvin, or Calvinism; following Calvin; accepting or Teaching Calvinism.

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casuistry ENGLISH

Sophistical, equivocal, or false reasoning or teaching in regard to duties, obligations, and morals.

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catechetical ENGLISH

Relating to or consisting in, asking questions and receiving answers, according to the ancient manner of teaching.

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chrestomathic ENGLISH

Teaching what is useful.

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cosmography ENGLISH

A description of the world or of the universe; or the science which teaches the constitution of the whole system …

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The doctrine or science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation.

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