"Inconsolable" is a word in ENGLISH

inconsolable ENGLISH

Not consolable; incapable of being consoled; grieved
beyond susceptibility of comfort; disconsolate.

Few words of positivity

Writing evinces the soul of an active mind and every era produced persons whom devoted their being to exploring the mysteries of life, seeking to discern answers pertaining how to resolve the complexities and paradoxes of life.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear the one about the blonde who thought that "love handles" referred to her ears?

afford ENGLISH

To give, grant, or confer, with a remoter reference to its being the natural result; to provide; to furnish; as, …

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alíbio - (Sp. alibio) Belief, ease, mitigation, alleviation; consolation, comfort. (cf. bulúng, tábang, paaliwánsan, utwásan).

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aliw Active Verb: mang-aliw Passive Verb: aliwin Definition: 1) consolation, comfort (noun) 2) to console, to comfort (verb) Examples: Aliwin …

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ancone ENGLISH

A bracket supporting a cornice; a console.

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balcony ENGLISH

A platform projecting from the wall of a building, usually resting on brackets or consoles, and inclosed by a parapet; …

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cartouch ENGLISH

A cantalever, console, corbel, or modillion, which has the form of a scroll of paper

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comfort ENGLISH

To impart strength and hope to; to encourage; to relieve; to console; to cheer.

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comfort ENGLISH

Encouragement; solace; consolation in trouble; also, that which affords consolation.

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comfortable ENGLISH

Affording or imparting comfort or consolation; able to comfort; cheering; as, a comfortable hope.

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comforter ENGLISH

One who administers comfort or consolation.

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consolable ENGLISH

Capable of receiving consolation.

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consolate ENGLISH

To console; to comfort.

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consolation ENGLISH

The act of consoling; the state of being consoled; allevation of misery or distress of mind; refreshment of spirit; comfort; …

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consolator ENGLISH

One who consoles or comforts.

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consolatory ENGLISH

Of a consoling or comforting nature.

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consolatory ENGLISH

That which consoles; a speech or writing intended for consolation.

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console ENGLISH

To cheer in distress or depression; to alleviate the grief and raise the spirits of; to relieve; to comfort; to …

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console ENGLISH

Any small bracket; also, a console table.

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console ENGLISH

A bracket whose projection is not more than half its height.

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