"Inconformity" is a word in ENGLISH

inconformity ENGLISH

Want of conformity; nonconformity.

Few words of positivity

And secondly. I am not falling for her. I broke my rules, but it doesn’t mean anything. My mission statement is still clear in my head. But, my chest… Moaning, I roll over on my back, rubbing the spot at the center of my sternum. I’m too young for a heart attack, right? It’s got to be heartburn. Or a pulled muscle. I did put a lot into that whipping. I probably strained something. It’s definitely not emotions. I am not feeling things for her. I. Am. Not.

Laurelin Paige, Chandler

Laugh your heart out.

Can you spell a pretty girl with two letters?QT (cutey).


Intended to cure (that is. to obviate the ordinary legal effects or con-sequences of) defects, errors, omissions, or irregularities. Applied …

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disconformity ENGLISH

Want of conformity or correspondence; inconsistency; disagreement.

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falsity ENGLISH

The quality of being false; coutrariety or want of conformity to truth.

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incorrectness ENGLISH

The quality of being incorrect; want of conformity to truth or to a standard; inaccuracy; inexactness; as incorrectness may in …

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unconformity ENGLISH

Want of conformity; incongruity; inconsistency.

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