"Inclemently" is a word in ENGLISH

inclemently ENGLISH

In an inclement manner.

Few words of positivity

All at once, because life’s too short and it’s always like magic when you find a good thing. All at once, because I’m much too wise to not know that lightning can’t really hit the same spot twice when it comes. All at once because right now, surrendering to irrationality seems to be the only thing that makes sense.

Nessie Q., Snippets of Imagery

Laugh your heart out.

Jesus saw a crowd chasing down a woman to stone her and approached them. "What's going on here, anyway?" he asked."This woman was found committing adultery, and the law says we should stone her!" one of the crowd responded."Wait," yelled Jesus. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."Suddenly, a stone was thrown from out of the sky, and knocked the woman on the side of her head."Aw, c'mon, Dad..." Jesus cried, "I'm trying to make a point here!"


adj. /NA-/ 1. cruel, merciless, savage, inhuman. Nadawel dayta anak mo. Your child is cruel. 2. harmful, noxious, injurious. 2. …

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inclemency ENGLISH

The state or quality of being inclement; want of clemency; want of mildness of temper; unmercifulness; severity.

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inclement ENGLISH

Not clement; destitute of a mild and kind temper; void of tenderness; unmerciful; severe; harsh.

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inclement ENGLISH

Physically severe or harsh (generally restricted to the elements or weather); rough; boisterous; stormy; rigorously cold, etc.; as, inclement weather.

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Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing water ways, blocking roads, etc.; hence, not frosty or inclement; …

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rigorous ENGLISH

Severe; intense; inclement; as, a rigorous winter.

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Violent; tumultuous; boisterous; inclement; harsh; severe; -- said of the weather, of storms, and the like; as, the rude winter.

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