"Incarnated" is a word in ENGLISH

incarnated ENGLISH

of Incarnate

Few words of positivity

If you want to change something by Tuesday, theater is no good. Journalism is what does that.But, if you want to just alter the chemistry of the moral matrix, then theater has a longer half-life.

Tom Stoppard

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why did the blonde jump off the cliff? A: She thought her maxi pad had wings

annunciation ENGLISH

The announcement of the incarnation, made by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.

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avatar ENGLISH

The descent of a deity to earth, and his incarnation as a man or an animal; -- chiefly associated with …

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avatar ENGLISH

Incarnation; manifestation as an object of worship or admiration.

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buddha ENGLISH

The title of an incarnation of self-abnegation, virtue, and wisdom, or a deified religious teacher of the Buddhists, esp. Gautama …

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A letter, edict, or respect, of the pope, written in Gothic characters on rough parchment, sealed with a bulla, and …

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The tenth avatar or incarnation of the god Vishnu.

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excarnation ENGLISH

The act of depriving or divesting of flesh; excarnification; -- opposed to incarnation.

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fleshhood ENGLISH

The state or condition of having a form of flesh; incarnation.

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humanify ENGLISH

To make human; to invest with a human personality; to incarnate.

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incarn ENGLISH

To cover or invest with flesh.

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incarn ENGLISH

To develop flesh.

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incarnate ENGLISH

To form flesh; to granulate, as a wound.

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incarnate ENGLISH

Invested with flesh; embodied in a human nature and form; united with, or having, a human body.

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incarnate ENGLISH

To clothe with flesh; to embody in flesh; to invest, as spirits, ideals, etc., with a human from or nature.

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incarnate ENGLISH

Not in the flesh; spiritual.

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incarnate ENGLISH

Flesh-colored; rosy; red.

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incarnation ENGLISH

The union of the second person of the Godhead with manhood in Christ.

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incarnation ENGLISH

The act of clothing with flesh, or the state of being so clothed; the act of taking, or being manifested …

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incarnation ENGLISH

A rosy or red color; flesh color; carnation.

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