"Impropriator" is a word in ENGLISH

impropriator ENGLISH

One who impropriates; specifically, a layman in
possession of church property.

Few words of positivity

Berlinerinnen also continue to reinvent Berlin fashion. Women like Claudia Skoda, c.neeon (Clara Kraetsch and Doreen Schultz), Stadtkluft (Claudine Brignot of urbanspeed and Sandra Siewert of s.wert) and Natascha Loch carry on the tradition of Berliner Chic and carry its meanings into today's fashion. Berlinerinnen will always be ready to wear: the women who live in the city, are photographed in its streets, wear local brands and give Berlin fashion its reputation as exigeant and schraeg. Without all of these women, there would be no Berliner Chic, and so it is to them that this project is dedicated.

Katrina Sark, Berliner Chic: A Locational History of Berlin Fashion

Laugh your heart out.

What is the definition of 'making love'? Something a woman does while a guy is f***ing her.

impropriate ENGLISH

To appropriate to one's self; to assume.

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