"Impostrous" is a word in ENGLISH

impostrous ENGLISH

Characterized by imposture; deceitful.

Few words of positivity

Women are always better liked if we sacrifice ourselves for something bigger - and something bigger always means including men, even though something bigger for men doesn't usually mean including women.

Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road

Laugh your heart out.

A young wildlife biologist got fired from his first real wildlife job. Upon his return home, his parents asked him what happened."You know what a crew boss is?" he asked. "The one who stands around and watches everyone else work." "What's that got to do with it?" they asked. "Well, he just got jealous of me," the young biologist explained. "Everyone thought I was the crew boss."

goltschut ENGLISH

A silver ingot, used in Japan as money.

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lithotripsy ENGLISH

The operation of crushing a stone in the bladder with an instrument called lithotriptor or lithotrite; lithotrity.

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birds-ay CEBUANO

birds-ay n birds-eye, brand of cloth used for diapers, napkins, etc.

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causticness ENGLISH

The quality of being caustic; causticity.

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bluebell ENGLISH

A plant of the genus Campanula, especially the Campanula rotundifolia, which bears blue bell-shaped flowers; the harebell.

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Lat. Paylng. An apt word of reserving a rent in old conveyances. Co. Litt 47a

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spiritualize ENGLISH

To extract spirit from; also, to convert into, or impregnate with, spirit.

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spoonbill ENGLISH
alobaybay HILIGAYNON

alobáybay - Handrail, railing to hold oneself by, balustrade. Also used as a verb. Alobaybayí ang hágdan sang ímo baláy. …

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ponderable ENGLISH

Capable of being weighed; having appreciable weight.

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myriagramme ENGLISH

A metric weight, consisting of ten thousand grams or ten kilograms. It is equal to 22.046 lbs. avoirdupois.

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bwanbuwan CEBUANO

bwanbúwan (from búlan) n moles on the face appearing in large numbers, so called because they are believed to become …

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outside ENGLISH

The external part of a thing; the part, end, or side which forms the surface; that which appears, or is …

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trebucket ENGLISH

A cucking stool; a tumbrel.

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Without prosperous conditions or good results; unfavorable; unfortunate; unconformable; as, a poor business; the sick man had a poor night.

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bérso - (Sp. verso) Verse, line of poetry, poetical language. (cf. binaláybay, baláybay).

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blushy ENGLISH

Like a blush; having the color of a blush; rosy.

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