"Impinged" is a word in ENGLISH

impinged ENGLISH

of Impinge

Few words of positivity

The politics have always been difficult in medicine. There is some truth in the way medical practice is portrayed in TV dramas.

Barry Marshall

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Know how to solve the Serbian/Bosnian problem in less than 48 hours?A: Put Janet Reno in charge.

anticathode ENGLISH

The part of a vacuum tube opposite the cathode. Upon it the cathode rays impinge.

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appulsive ENGLISH

Striking against; impinging; as, the appulsive influence of the planets.

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bottom ENGLISH

To reach or impinge against the bottom, so as to impede free action, as when the point of a cog …

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impinge ENGLISH

To fall or dash against; to touch upon; to strike; to hit; to ciash with; -- with on or upon.

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impingement ENGLISH

The act of impinging.

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impingent ENGLISH

Striking against or upon.

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oxidator ENGLISH

A contrivance for causing a current of air to impinge on the flame of the Argand lamp; -- called also …

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phosphene ENGLISH

A luminous impression produced through excitation of the retina by some cause other than the impingement upon it of rays …

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whistle ENGLISH

The shrill sound made by wind passing among trees or through crevices, or that made by bullet, or the like, …

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