"Imperious" is a word in ENGLISH

imperious ENGLISH

Imperative; urgent; compelling.

imperious ENGLISH

Haughly; arrogant; overbearing; as, an imperious tyrant;
an imperious manner.

imperious ENGLISH

Commanding; ascendant; imperial; lordly; majestic.

Few words of positivity

Poetry is jealous of you tonight, for as soon as I come to pen a few words, your perfume attacks me in the most civilised manner and I forget myself. I forget the poem. I forget the ...

Kamand Kojouri

Laugh your heart out.

Sarah was reading a newspaper, while her husband was engrossed in a magazine. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. "Listen to this," she said. "There's a classified ad here where aguy is offering to swap his wife for a season ticket to the stadium." "Hmmm," her husband said, not looking up from his magazine. Teasing him, Sarah said, "Would you swap me for a season ticket?" "Absolutely not," he said. "How sweet," Sarah said. "Tell me why not." "Season's more than half over," he said.

bracket ENGLISH

A shot, crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as a support.

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register ENGLISH

To enroll; to enter in a list.

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kihul v [A; b6] make motions to do s.t. Wà lang mukihul gisúgù ay, I asked him to do s.t. …

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hep tree ENGLISH

The wild dog-rose.

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approvement ENGLISH

Improvement of common lands, by inclosing and converting them to the uses of husbandry for the advantage of the lord …

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liripoop ENGLISH

Acuteness; smartness; also, a smart trick or stratagem.

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hereout ENGLISH

guránit - (B) To twist—, pinch—, one’s ears, etc. (cf. gulípat, kosípad, kulípat).

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Appropriation LAW AND LEGAL

The act of appro-printiug or setting apart; prescribing the destination of a thing; designating the use or application of a …

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cataclysm ENGLISH

An extensive overflow or sweeping flood of water; a deluge.

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marriage ENGLISH

The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, …

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aláo - To treat, offer to visitors tobacco, cigars, materials for betelnut chewing, a drink, etc. Ialáo sa íla iníng …

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seafaring ENGLISH

Following the business of a mariner; as, a seafaring man.

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To utter falsehood with an intention to deceive; to say or do that which is intended to deceive another, when …

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dipteran ENGLISH

An insect of the order Diptera.

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genuflect ENGLISH

To bend the knee, as in worship.

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semimute ENGLISH

A semimute person.

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trinoctial ENGLISH

Lasting during three nights; comprising three nights.

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saffron ENGLISH

Having the color of the stigmas of saffron flowers; deep orange-yellow; as, a saffron face; a saffron streamer.

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