"Imperilling" is a word in ENGLISH

imperilling ENGLISH

of Imperil

Few words of positivity

Julia, I promise to love you, to cherish you, in sickness and in health. No matter what, I will be there for you and our family. I promise not to make the social media another member of our family.

Martina Navratilova

Laugh your heart out.

What's a moo hoo for a bunch of weirdo cattle? A nerd herd!

emperil ENGLISH

To put in peril. See Imperil.

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expone ENGLISH

To expound; to explain; also, to expose; to imperil.

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imperil ENGLISH

To bring into peril; to endanger.

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imperilment ENGLISH

The act of imperiling, or the state of being imperiled.

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jeopard ENGLISH

To put in jeopardy; to expose to loss or injury; to imperil; to hazard.

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sagmak ILOKANO

v. /MANGI-: I-/ to endanger, put in jeopardy, imperil.

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