"Immorally" is a word in ENGLISH

immorally ENGLISH

In an immoral manner; wickedly.

Few words of positivity

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. Remember that. -Albus Dumbledore

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Laugh your heart out.

"Where's the car?" asked Professor Delbert's wife when he got home. "Did I take it out?" "Yes, you drove it to school this morning." "I suppose you're right, my dear. I remember now that after I got out, I turned to thank the man who gave me a lift and wondered where he'd gone."

aspire ENGLISH

To desire with eagerness; to seek to attain something high or great; to pant; to long; -- followed by to …

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balasubas CEBUANO

balasúbas (not without l) n one who avoids meeting his obli-gations. Balasúbas kaáyu siyang muswildu. Utsu ang sábut, dus ray …

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In English l*w. Blasphemy is the offense of speaking matter relating to God, Jesaq Christ, the Bible, or the Book …

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corrective ENGLISH

That which has the power of correcting, altering, or counteracting what is wrong or injurious; as, alkalies are correctives of …

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culpable ENGLISH

Deserving censure; worthy of blame; faulty; immoral; criminal.

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Turbulent or riotous be- Disparata non debent jungi. Things havlor; Immoral or indecent conduct The unlike ought not to be …

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everlasting ENGLISH

Lasting or enduring forever; exsisting or continuing without end; immoral; eternal.

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everliving ENGLISH

Living always; immoral; eternal; as, the everliving God.

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húgas v {1} [b6(1)] wash anything but clothes. Hugási ang prútas únà kan-a, Wash the fruit before you eat it. …

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illegal ENGLISH

Not according to, or authorized by, law; specif., contrary to, or in violation of, human law; unlawful; illicit; hence, immoral; …

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immoral ENGLISH

Not moral; inconsistent with rectitude, purity, or good morals; contrary to conscience or the divine law; wicked; unjust; dishonest; vicious; …

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Contrary to good morals; Inconsistent wlth the rules and principles of morality which regard men as living ln a community, …

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immorality ENGLISH

The state or quality of being immoral; vice.

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immorality ENGLISH

An immoral act or practice.

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Immorality LAW AND LEGAL

TY. That whlch to contra bonos mores. See Immoral

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imuralidad CEBUANO

imuralidad n immorality. v [a3] be dismissed from the teaching service for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Ug dílì siya …

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kahigkoan HILIGAYNON

kahigkoán - See kahígkò. Also: depravity, immorality, moral filth, abomination, lechery, lewdness.

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kílat n lightning. kusug pa sa faster than greased lightning. v {1} [A] for lightning to flash. Mukílat gánì, dúna …

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kwarta CEBUANO

kwarta n {1} money. {2} its going to be a profit, a point, be in the bag. Ug masyát nà …

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