"Immoderancy" is a word in ENGLISH

immoderancy ENGLISH

Immoderateness; excess.

Few words of positivity

Some men will never be heroes, some heroes will never be men, he thought, with urgent acknowledgements to Joseph Conrad.

John le Carré, The Russia House

Laugh your heart out.

Q. What do you have when only one line dancer comes to your party?A. A One Liner!

excess ENGLISH

The state of surpassing or going beyond limits; the being of a measure beyond sufficiency, necessity, or duty; that which …

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extreme ENGLISH

The best of worst; most urgent; greatest; highest; immoderate; excessive; most violent; as, an extreme case; extreme folly.

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immoderate ENGLISH

Not moderate; exceeding just or usual and suitable bounds; excessive; extravagant; unreasonable; as, immoderate demands; immoderate grief; immoderate laughter.

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immoderately ENGLISH

In an immoderate manner; excessively.

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The quality of being immoderate; excess; extravagance.

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inordinacy ENGLISH

The state or quality of being inordinate; excessiveness; immoderateness; as, the inordinacy of love or desire.

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inordinate ENGLISH

Not limited to rules prescribed, or to usual bounds; irregular; excessive; immoderate; as, an inordinate love of the world.

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intemperance ENGLISH

The act of becoming, or state of being, intemperate; excess in any kind of action or indulgence; any immoderate indulgence …

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intemperate ENGLISH

Excessive; ungovernable; inordinate; violent; immoderate; as, intemperate language, zeal, etc.; intemperate weather.

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intemperate ENGLISH

Indulging any appetite or passion to excess; immoderate to enjoyments or exertion.

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intemperately ENGLISH

In an intemperate manner; immoderately; excessively; without restraint.

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intense ENGLISH

Extreme in degree; excessive; immoderate; as: (a) Ardent; fervent; as, intense heat. (b) Keen; biting; as, intense cold. (c) Vehement; …

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lakarán - (H) Stile, fender, guard. Butangí ang ganháan sing lakarán, agúd índì makagwâ ang mga bátà. Put a fence …

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lám-ag - (B) Too much, excessive, immoderate, extravagant, beyond measure; to be excessive, do something to excess. Indì ka magpalám-ag …

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matámà - Overmuch, excessive, too much, more than enough, immoderate, exorbitant, preposterous. (támà). (cf. lámag, lakás, masiádo, demasiádo). matahápon – …

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palám-ag - (B) To do to excess, too much, immoderately, excessively, to overdo, overstep the mark, exceed the proper limits. …

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reasonable ENGLISH

Not excessive or immoderate; within due limits; proper; as, a reasonable demand, amount, price.

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Not agreeable to a rule or standard, or to duty; disproportioned; excessive; immoderate; inordinate; as, an undue attachment to forms; …

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