"Imbosture" is a word in ENGLISH

imbosture ENGLISH

Embossed or raised work.

Few words of positivity

Women have been brought up with the false sense that they have all the options in the world. We don’t understand that the culture really isn’t offering us all of these options – there still are very strong pressures to conform. We have to step outside the culture to be able to make choices that will really give us what we want. But we lack the psychic mechanisms to do this, to really choose.

Dalma Heyn

Laugh your heart out.

What are you doing? I'm trying to call Washington! Oh, haven't you heard? He's dead!

The art of copying works in relief, or of engraving as to give the subject an embossed or raised appearance; …

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emboss ENGLISH

To raise in relief from a surface, as an ornament, a head on a coin, or the like.

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emboss ENGLISH

To arise the surface of into bosses or protuberances; particularly, to ornament with raised work.

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embossed ENGLISH

Formed or covered with bosses or raised figures.

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embossment ENGLISH

A bosslike prominence; figure in relief; raised work; jut; protuberance; esp., a combination of raised surfaces having a decorative effect.

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embossment ENGLISH

The act of forming bosses or raised figures, or the state of being so formed.

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raised ENGLISH

Lifted up; showing above the surroundings; as, raised or embossed metal work.

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raising ENGLISH

The operation of embossing sheet metal, or of forming it into cup-shaped or hollow articles, by hammering, stamping, or spinning.

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