"Ilot" is a word in ILOKANO


v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ 1. to rub, massage. --syn. MASAHE. 2. to set (broken bones) by massaging. 3. to deliver a baby by massaging and pushing.

Few words of positivity

Oh, Marilla, I thought I was happy before. Now I know that I just dreamed a pleasant dream of happiness. This is the reality.

L.M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Brighton !Brighton who ?Brighton-der the light of the moon !


álam (not without l) ka- n knowledge of some special field, spe-cific know-how. Wà kuy kaálam sa pagpanghílut, I have …

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dam-ug CEBUANO

dam-ug v [A; b(1)] sprinkle water on s.t. to moisten it. Dam-úgan ta ug dágat ang kupras, Lets sprinkle sea …

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haplus CEBUANO

haplus (from palus) v {1} [APB12; a] for s.t. which is tied to s.t. or holds it to come o? …

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hapyud CEBUANO

hapyud v [A; a] {1} massage gently moving hands in one di- rection. Mitindug siya ug mihapyud sa íyang sinínà, …

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hílut v {1} [A; a12] massage, pull the bones for medicinal pur-poses. A wide variety of symptoms are treated by …

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kab-it CEBUANO

kab-it = kab-ang. kabkab v [A; a] dig a hole by scooping out dirt. Gikabkab sa irù ang bukug, The …

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kabugaw CEBUANO

kabúgaw n k. o. astringently sour citrus used for hair rinse and seasoning: Cytrus hystrix. kabúhì (from búhì) n {1} …

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kalaykay CEBUANO

kalaykay v {1} [A; ab2] dig up s.t. with the hands, hoe up s.t. in a scratching manner. Nagkaykay siyag …

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kiwì, kíwì v [B; c1] grow sti? or cramped in the joints, twisted out of shape. Mikiwì ang íyang bàbà …

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lamigas CEBUANO

lamígas = hulmígas. lamigmig v {1} [A; a] pat successively and shake or massage lightly, usually on a full and …

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langki CEBUANO

langkì a for teeth to be crooked. Makadisgwápa sa babáyi ang mga ngípung langkì, Crooked teeth mar a womans beauty. …

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marunggay ILOKANO

n. 1. the horse-radish tree (Moringa oleifera). 2. its fruit. MASA [f. Sp.], v. /MANG-:-EN/ to knead (dough, clay, etc.). …

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masahi CEBUANO

masáhi v [A; b] massage. Masahían ta nang ímung páang gipa-maúlan, Lets massage your sore legs. n massage. -sta n …

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ngulngul CEBUANO

ngulngul v [B46] deep-seated pain over a wide area. Mingulngul ang ákung mga buktun sa pagpanglaba tibuuk adlaw, My arms …

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pekkel ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to squeeze or wring (clothes. fabrics fibers) to force the water out of. /MA--AN/ to be squeezed or …

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pidlà v [A; c] {1} spurt, for liquid to be ejected with force for a short period of time. Inig-abut …

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pínul v [A; a] press hard on the muscles with the tips of the thumb and fingers to massage them.

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piruk v [B6; c1] for the eyes to blink once. pirukpiruk v {1} [A; c1] for the eyes to keep …

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pisil, písil v {1} [A; ab2] squeeze s.t. with the tips of the fin-gers fairly far apart. Pisíla (pisla) ang …

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pislit CEBUANO

pislit v {1} [A; a2b2] press s.t. hard with the fingers. Kinsay mipislit sa timbri? Who pushed the buzzer? Ayaw …

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