"Illegalized" is a word in ENGLISH

illegalized ENGLISH

of Illegalize

Few words of positivity

The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle.From a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey, London, on March 20, 1925.

Frederick Lewis Donaldson

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get when you add 2 apples to 3 apples? A senior high school math problem.

adulterine ENGLISH

Proceeding from adulterous intercourse. Hence: Spurious; without the support of law; illegal.

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advice ENGLISH

Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.

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ala-asawa HILIGAYNON

ala-asáwa - Concubine, an unmarried or illegally married woman. (cf. araasáwa, oloasáwa).

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appeal ENGLISH

To make application for the removal of (a cause) from an inferior to a superior judge or court for a …

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barratry ENGLISH

A fraudulent breach of duty or willful act of known illegality on the part of a master of a ship, …

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batsi (slang, from sibat) v {1} [A2; c] get out of s.t. , run away. Mibatsi si Títù sa íyang …

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benevolence ENGLISH

A species of compulsory contribution or tax, which has sometimes been illegally exacted by arbitrary kings of England, and falsely …

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Unintelligible, or not easily intelligible; as, a blind passage in a book; illegible; as, blind writing.

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brownies TAGALOG

brownies Definition: Tagalog slang for illegal drugs 2 Definition: (salitang balbal) pinagbabawal na gamot

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button TAGALOG

button Definition: Tagalog slang for illegal drugs (syn) CACTUS, CUBES, USOK 2 Definition: (salitang balbal) gamot (syn) CACTUS, CUBES, USOK

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butu n {1} explosion. {2} blister. v {1} [B246; b4] explode. Mibutu ang bulkan nga Taal, Taal Volcano erupted. Ug …

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Swindling; defrauding. “Deceitful practices in defrauding or endeavoring to defraud another of his known right, by some willful device, contrary …

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A surreptitious printing of another book-seller’s copy of a work, to make gain thereby, which was contrary to common law, …

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contraband ENGLISH

Illegal or prohibited traffic.

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contraband ENGLISH

To import illegally, as prohibited goods; to smuggle.

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contrabandist ENGLISH

One who traffics illegally; a smuggler.

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convert ENGLISH

To apply to any use by a diversion from the proper or intended use; to appropriate dishonestly or illegally.

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Corruption LAW AND LEGAL

Illegality; a vicious and fraudulent intention to evade the prohibitions of the law

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Court Of Star Chamber LAW AND LEGAL

This was an English court of very ancient origin, but new-modeled by St. 3 Hen. VII. c. 1, aud 21 …

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To mar or destroy the face (that ls, the physical appearance of written or Inscribed characters os expressive of a …

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