"Iksit" is a word in CEBUANO


iksit n exit.
v [b8] exit, pass to an exit.
-an n = iksit.

Few words of positivity

Part of the reason people abroad resent the United States is something Americans can do very little about: envy. The richest, most powerful country in the world attracts the jealousy of others in much the same way that the richest, most powerful man in a small town attracts the jealousy of others.

Mohsin Hamid

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Where is your homework?Pupil: I was mugged on the way to school and the mugger took everything I had

kumiks CEBUANO

kumiks n comics.

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n. 1. tendril. 2. arm of cuttlefish, octopus, etc.

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lukguk CEBUANO

lukguk a one-testicled, having one testicle not descended. Ang lukguk dì kapamabdus, A man with only one testicle cannot get …

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death's-head ENGLISH

A naked human skull as the emblem of death; the head of the conventional personification of death.

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gyronny ENGLISH

Covered with gyrons, or divided so as to form several gyrons; -- said of an escutcheon.

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propolis ENGLISH

Same as Bee glue, under Bee.

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maspak ILOKANO
parag-arot WARAY

Parag-arot - barber; one who gives a haircut

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biskù = bisgù.

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trepan ENGLISH

A crown-saw or cylindrical saw for perforating the skull, turned, when used, like a bit or gimlet. See Trephine.

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To rub roughly or harshly, as one body against another, causing a harsh sound; as, to grate the teeth; to …

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noblesse ENGLISH

The nobility; persons of noble rank collectively, including males and females.

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salamankiro HILIGAYNON

salamankíro - Juggler, prestidigitator.

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counter ENGLISH

Contrary; opposite; contrasted; opposed; adverse; antagonistic; as, a counter current; a counter revolution; a counter poison; a counter agent; counter …

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rid drágun = dágir, 2.

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dilinyanti CEBUANO

dilinyanti n draftsman.

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