"Iknat" is a word in CEBUANO


iknat v [B; c1] {1} raise the eyebrows.
Miiknat (naiknat) ang kílay sa táwu tungud sa túmang kahibng, The man raised his eyebrows in bewilderment.
{2} = ínat.
{3} [BN; c1] stitch wrinkles into a piece of cloth.
Ayawg iknáta (iiknat) pagtahì ang panaptun, Dont stitch the cloth in such a way that it becomes wrinkled.
a stitched with wrinkles.

Few words of positivity

Have the courage that you will trample over your I'll struggles of the past till all is settled for your celebrations. You will be victorious in the face of difficulties if only give are courageous!

Israelmore Ayivor, Dream Big!: See Your Bigger Picture!

Laugh your heart out.

What dog always gets on everyone's nerves? A great pane!

hikdat CEBUANO

hikdat v [B; c1] for eyebrows to arch. Muhikdat ang kílay níya basta masukù siya, Her eyebrows become arched when …

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kurus n {1} cross, crucifix. Way kurus nga lubung, A grave without a cross. {2} trouble, problem that tries ones …

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sirung CEBUANO

sirung v [B26; c1] for the eyebrows to be knitted. Masirung (musirung) ang ímung kílay ug masukù ka, You knit …

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