"Igkuludlit" is a word in HILIGAYNON

igkuludlit HILIGAYNON

igkulúdlit - (H) Anything used for making
lines, scratches, strokes, etc. as a pencil or
the like. (cf. kúdlit).

Few words of positivity

It feels like home, far from home, yet homely. I have always been a fan of Delhi's practical life not that i have lived in an aspiration or yearning to make a living here, but delhi has always been on my soapbox.

Parul Wadhwa, The Masquerade

Laugh your heart out.

Two Irishmen were walking down the street with two salmon each under their arms. Two other Irishmen walking in the opposite direction see the two lucky fishermen and ask " how did you catch those ?" Well its like this! Michael here holds my legs over the bridge, and I grab the salmon as they swim up the river. We got four salmon A great days fishing! So the fishless pair look at each other and agree to give it a try. They get to the bridge and Sean calls to his friend "hold my legs now Paddy". Well he is hanging there upside down for thirty minutes when he suddenly cries.. "pull me up, pull me up!!" Paddy asks " do you have a fish Sean?"............ No replies Sean, "there's a bloody train coming!!!!!!!!"

proteolysis ENGLISH

The digestion or dissolving of proteid matter by proteolytic ferments.

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tyanggi CEBUANO

tyanggi n marketplace. paN- v [A2; c] go marketing. Tagái kug kwartang ipanyanggi, Give me some money to go marketing …

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ungeld ENGLISH

A person so far out of the protection of the law, that if he were murdered, no geld, or fine, …

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The wages or commissions of a broker; also, his business or occu-patlon

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lahay walay {1} not having a liking, inclination for s.t. Wà kuy lahay sa baskit, I have no inclination for …

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An act of ridicule or derision; a scornful or contemptuous act or speech; a sneer; a jibe; a jeer.

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pulpul CEBUANO

pulpul a {1} not bright. Pulpul kaáyu nang batáa sa klási, That child is very dull in class. {1a} unskillful …

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nightward ENGLISH

Approaching toward night.

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delicate ENGLISH

Light, or softly tinted; -- said of a color; as, a delicate blue.

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iranian ENGLISH

A native of Iran; also, the Iranian or Persian language, a division of the Aryan family of languages.

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vodanium ENGLISH

A supposed element, afterward found to be a mixture of several metals, as copper, iron, lead, nickel, etc.

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Graceful and beautiful females, sister goddesses, represented by ancient writers as the attendants sometimes of Apollo but oftener of Venus. …

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amburry ENGLISH
complete ENGLISH

Having all the parts or organs which belong to it or to the typical form; having calyx, corolla, stamens, and …

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season ENGLISH

To render suitable or appropriate; to prepare; to fit.

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thermogen ENGLISH

Caloric; heat; regarded as a material but imponderable substance.

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