"Idleness" is a word in ENGLISH

idleness ENGLISH

The condition or quality of being idle (in the various
senses of that word); uselessness; fruitlessness; triviality;
inactivity; laziness.

Few words of positivity

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.

Martin Luther

Laugh your heart out.

Introductory Chemistry was taught at Duke University for many years by professor Bonk. One year, two guys took the class and did pretty well on all the quizzes and mid-terms--so much so that going into the final, they each had a solid A. These two friends were so confident going into the final that the weekend before finals week, despite the Chemistry final being on Monday, they decided to go to the Uuniversity of Virginina to party with some friends.They did this and had a great time. However, with their hangovers and tiredness, they overslept all day Sunday and didn't make it back to Duke until early Monday morning. Rather than taking the final then, they found professor Bonk after the final and explained to him how they missed the final. They told him they went up to the University of Virgina for the weekend and had planned to come back in time to study, but they had a flat tire on the way back and didn't have a spare. They couldn't fix it for a long time and were late getting back to campus.Bonk thought this over and agreed that they could take the final the following day. The two guys, elated and relieved, studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Bonk had told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet. He told them to begin.They looked at the first problem which was something simple about molarity and solutions; it was worth 5 points. "Cool," they thought, "this is going to be an easy final". They then turned the page. They were unprepared, however, for what they saw on it. The question contained only two words: (95 points) Which tire?


A registry mark given by underwriters (as at Lloyd's) to ships in first-class condition. Inferior grades are indicated by A …

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abáo - An expression of joy, surprise, astonishment, admiration, sorrow, grief and pain. Oh! Ah! Alas! Hurrah! Abáo, katahúm siní …

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To cast down or reduce low or lower, as in rank, office, condition in life, or estimation of worthiness; to …

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abeyance ENGLISH

Expectancy; condition of being undetermined.

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To remain stable or fixed in some state or condition; to continue; to remain.

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abirritation ENGLISH

A pathological condition opposite to that of irritation; debility; want of strength; asthenia.

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abject ENGLISH

A person in the lowest and most despicable condition; a castaway.

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abject ENGLISH

Sunk to a law condition; down in spirit or hope; degraded; servile; groveling; despicable; as, abject posture, fortune, thoughts.

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abjectedness ENGLISH

A very abject or low condition; abjectness.

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abroach ENGLISH

Broached; in a condition for letting out or yielding liquor, as a cask which is tapped.

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absinthism ENGLISH

The condition of being poisoned by the excessive use of absinth.

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absolute ENGLISH

Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; as, absolute authority, monarchy, sovereignty, an absolute promise or command; absolute …

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Unconditional; complete and perfect ln itself, wlthout relation to, or dependence on, other things or persons,—as an absolute right; without …

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aburst ENGLISH

In a bursting condition.

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The quality or condition of being accommodable.

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action ENGLISH

A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest; the doing of something; exertion of power or …

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Conduct; behavior; something done; the condition of acting; an act or series of acts

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actualist ENGLISH

One who deals with or considers actually existing facts and conditions, rather than fancies or theories; -- opposed to idealist.

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A Cueillette LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. In relation to the contract of affreightment, signifies when the cargo is taken on condition that the …

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A morbid condition causing a peculiar brownish discoloration of the skin, and thought, at one time, to be due to …

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