"Ibang" is a word in CEBUANO


ibang n slit in the cover of the pressure lantern (pitrumaks) into which the screw which holds it is inserted.

Few words of positivity

If you aim to be the best then it's essential to evolve constantly, learn from past mistakes, look for new opportunities and have the flexibility to implement improved processes and solutions along the way.

Mark Gallagher

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the dog go to the doctor after a tomato fell on his head?The tomato was in a can.

strive ENGLISH

An effort; a striving.

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tóktok - Rust, oxidization; to rust, be rusty, become oxidized or coated with rust. Nagtóktok ang íya binángon. His bolo— …

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out of the limits of any port or harbor on the sea-coast The Harriet, 1 Story, 251, Fed. Cas. No. …

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dishable ENGLISH
positivist ENGLISH

A believer in positivism.

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padyama TAGALOG

padyama Definition: (noun) pajamas

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tuytuy CEBUANO

tuytuy n fruit bud, small immature fruits. paN- v [A2] grow small fruits. Ang bungáhuy makapanuytuy ug dalì ug daúban, …

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palangul-ul HILIGAYNON

palangúl-ul - Stiffness, numbness; to be or become stiff, numb, benumbed (and painful). Nagpalangúl-ul ang íya páa nga napilásan sang …

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byword ENGLISH

The object of a contemptuous saying.

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comitia ENGLISH

A public assembly of the Roman people for electing officers or passing laws.

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criosphinx ENGLISH

A sphinx with the head of a ram.

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ceratohyal ENGLISH

A ceratohyal bone, or cartilage, which, in man, forms one of the small horns of the hyoid.

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cr/che ENGLISH

A public nursery, where the young children of poor women are cared for during the day, while their mothers are …

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reduce ENGLISH

To bring or lead back to any former place or condition.

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duplicity ENGLISH

Doubleness of heart or speech; insincerity; a sustained form of deception which consists in entertaining or pretending to entertain one …

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combing ENGLISH

The act or process of using a comb or a number of combs; as, the combing of one's hair; the …

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