"Hyperbolically" is a word in ENGLISH

hyperbolically ENGLISH

With exaggeration; in a manner to express more or
less than the truth.

hyperbolically ENGLISH

In the form of an hyperbola.

Few words of positivity

I think I realized intellectually at that point, watching the city slowly give way to the last vestiges of parkland and then the black spruce forests of the North, that I could come back to the land deeply fearful, or I could choose to see it as a place of healing. Pain colours us; we carry it behind our eyes for a long time after it’s passed. At some point, we have to decide whether we’re willing to let it take over our lives and change them permanently, or whether we’re going to wrench ourselves open again to the world. I couldn’t make that choice in the city.

Jenna Butler, A Profession of Hope: Farming on the Edge of the Grizzly Trail

Laugh your heart out.

Which political discussions between the Russians and Americans keenly interest Burger Land citizens?The SALT talks!

aggravate ENGLISH

To give coloring to in description; to exaggerate; as, to aggravate circumstances.

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aggravation ENGLISH

Exaggerated representation.

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agrót - A boaster, braggart, exaggerator; boasting, bragging, exaggerating talk. Agrót gid siá; lakás na man ang agrót nga íya …

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bounce ENGLISH

Bluster; brag; untruthful boasting; audacious exaggeration; an impudent lie; a bouncer.

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An extravagant or unsubstan-tial project for extensive operations lu busl-ness or commerce, generally founded on a fictitious or exaggerated prospectus, …

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burlesque ENGLISH

Ludicrous representation; exaggerated parody; grotesque satire.

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caricature ENGLISH

To make or draw a caricature of; to represent with ridiculous exaggeration; to burlesque.

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caricature ENGLISH

A picture or other figure or description in which the peculiarities of a person or thing are so exaggerated as …

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caricature ENGLISH

An exaggeration, or distortion by exaggeration, of parts or characteristics, as in a picture.

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chauvinism ENGLISH

Blind and absurd devotion to a fallen leader or an obsolete cause; hence, absurdly vainglorious or exaggerated patriotism.

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An exaggerated estimate of the importance of giving full assent to any particular formula of the Christian faith.

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To move or behave with servility or exaggerated humility; to fawn; as, a creeping sycophant.

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delicacy ENGLISH

Nice propriety of manners or conduct; susceptibility or tenderness of feeling; refinement; fastidiousness; and hence, in an exaggerated sense, effeminacy; …

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entonic ENGLISH

Having great tension, or exaggerated action.

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exaggerate ENGLISH

To amplify; to magnify; to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth ; to delineate extravagantly ; to overstate the truth …

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exaggerate ENGLISH

To heap up; to accumulate.

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exaggerated ENGLISH

Enlarged beyond bounds or the truth.

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exaggerating ENGLISH

That exaggerates; enlarging beyond bounds.

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