"Hydrotheca" is a word in ENGLISH

hydrotheca ENGLISH

One of the calicles which, in some Hydroidea
(Thecaphora), protect the hydrants. See Illust. of Hydroidea, and

Few words of positivity

Congress may carry on the most wicked and pernicious of schemes under the dark veil of secrecy. The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.

Patrick Henry

Laugh your heart out.

Which football team to you need to connect up your computer?Leeds.

hydranth ENGLISH

One of the nutritive zooids of a hydroid colony. Also applied to the proboscis or manubrium of a hydroid medusa. …

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hydroid ENGLISH

One of the Hydroideas.

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hydrozoa ENGLISH

The Acalephae; one of the classes of coelenterates, including the Hydroidea, Discophora, and Siphonophora.

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One of the individual animals in a composite group, as of Anthozoa, Hydroidea, and Bryozoa; -- sometimes restricted to those …

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