"Hybridous" is a word in ENGLISH

hybridous ENGLISH

Same as Hybrid.

Few words of positivity

So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.

Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Laugh your heart out.

A man walks outside to his car for work, when he notices a gorilla in his tree. He rushs to his phone book and finds the animal control number, calls and asks them to send over someone who's a gorilla expert. When the man arrives, he is carrying a shotgun, a chihuahua and a pair of handcuffs. The man says,''What are all of those for?'' The animal control officer says, ''I'll climb up in the tree, knock the gorilla down, the dog will bite him in the nuts and you must slap the handcuffs on his wrists.'' The man asks,''What is the gun for?'' The animal control officer responds, ''If I fall first, you shoot the dog!'''


A mixing of breeds or stock, especially in cattle breeding; or the product of such intermixture; a hybrid of any …

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crossbreed ENGLISH

Anything partaking of the natures of two different things; a hybrid.

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dysgenesis ENGLISH

A condition of not generating or breeding freely; infertility; a form homogenesis in which the hybrids are sterile among themselves, …

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Electrocute LAW AND LEGAL

To put to death by passing through the body a current of elec; tricity of high power. This term, descriptive …

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A hybrid between a stallion and an ass.

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hybrid ENGLISH

Produced from the mixture of two species; as, plants of hybrid nature.

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hybrid ENGLISH

The offspring of the union of two distinct species; an animal or plant produced from the mixture of two species. …

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A mongrel; an animal foriu-ed of the nnlon of different species, or dif-ferent genera; also (metaphorically) a human being born …

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hybridism ENGLISH

The state or quality of being hybrid.

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hybridist ENGLISH

One who hybridizes.

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hybridizable ENGLISH

Capable of forming a hybrid, or of being subjected to a hybridizing process; capable of producing a hybrid by union …

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hybridization ENGLISH

The act of hybridizing, or the state of being hybridized.

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hybridize ENGLISH

To render hybrid; to produce by mixture of stocks.

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hybridizer ENGLISH

One who hybridizes.

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kalibugan HILIGAYNON

kalibugán - See kalibúg. Also: Mixture as between Visayans and Negritos, Visayans and Europeans, etc.; Mestizo, half-breed, hybrid. Ang mga …

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macaronic ENGLISH

A kind of burlesque composition, in which the vernacular words of one or more modern languages are intermixed with genuine …

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mestíso - (Sp. mestizo) Mestizo Eurasian, half-cast, half-breed, hybrid. (cf. kalibugán).

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