"Huloist" is a word in ENGLISH

huloist ENGLISH

See Hyloist.

Few words of positivity

My name is Hazel. I started out as an idea, but I ended up something more. Not much more, to be honest. It's not like I grow up to become some great war hero or any sort of all important savior... but thanks to these two, at least I get to grow old.Not everybody does.

Brian K. Vaughan, Saga, Vol. 1

Laugh your heart out.

During a recent publicity outing, Hillary sneaked off to visit afortune teller of some local repute. In a dark and hazy room,peering into a crystal ball, the mystic delivered grave news."There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just be blunt: Prepareyourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a violent andhorrible death this year."Visibly shaken, Hillary stared at the woman's lined face, then atthe single flickering candle, then down at her hands. She took afew deep breaths to compose herself. She simply had to know. Shemet the fortune teller's gaze, steadied her voice, and asked herquestion:"Will I be acquitted?"


The act of plundering.

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change ENGLISH

That which makes a variety, or may be substituted for another.

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To pay back; to refund; as, to repay money borrowed or advanced.

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upud-upud HILIGAYNON

upúd-upúd - A malignant ulcer or sore, a kind of leprous disease that frequently destroys a whole finger or toe, …

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The crop of a bird.

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brotherly ENGLISH

Like a brother; affectionately; kindly.

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Fact; performance.

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túbdan - From tubúd—to trickle, flow, etc.

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bangs n bangs. v [A1; c] wear, form into bangs. Angayan kang magbangs, You look beautiful with bangs.

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To have a sensation as of insect creeping over the body; as, the flesh crawls. See Creep, v. i., 7.

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oscillation ENGLISH

Fluctuation; variation; change back and forth.

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alfenide ENGLISH

An alloy of nickel and silver electroplated with silver.

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morning-glory ENGLISH

A climbing plant (Ipomoea purpurea) having handsome, funnel-shaped flowers, usually red, pink, purple, white, or variegated, sometimes pale blue. See …

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kalangkang HILIGAYNON

kalángkang - (H) To stretch out one’s hand with fingers apart, as when catching a ball, etc. Kalangkangá ang kamót …

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fahrenheit ENGLISH

Conforming to the scale used by Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit in the graduation of his thermometer; of or relating to Fahrenheit's …

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sara3 Passive Verb: isara Definition: (verb) to close (something); to shut; to turn off 2 Definition: Notes: Examples: Isara mo …

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hákup - A (double) handful; to take up, ladle out with one hand or with the two hands put together. …

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To develop, guide, or control the pace or paces of; to teach the pace; to break in.

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retraction ENGLISH

The state or condition of a part when drawn back, or towards the center of the body.

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