"Huffcap" is a word in ENGLISH

huffcap ENGLISH

A blusterer; a bully.

huffcap ENGLISH

Blustering; swaggering.

Few words of positivity

I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness.All seems beautiful to me.Whoever denies me, it shall not trouble me; Whoever accepts me, he or she shall be blessed, and shall bless me.

Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Laugh your heart out.

David received a parrot for his birthday. This parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and terrible vocabulary. Every other word was an expletive. Those that weren't expletives were, to say the least, rude. David tried hard to change the bird's attitude. He was constantly saying polite words and playing soft music, he did anything he could think of. Nothing worked. When he yelled at the bird, the bird got worse. If he shook the bird, the bird got madder and ruder. Finally in a moment of desperation, David put the parrot in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird squawking, kicking and screaming and then suddenly, there was quiet. David was frightened that he might have actually hurt the bird and quickly opened the freezer door. The parrot calmly stepped out onto David's extended arm and said: "I'm sorry that I might have offended you with my language and actions, so I ask for your forgiven ess. I will try to correct my behavior." David was astounded at the bird's change in attitude and was about to ask what had changed him when the parrot continued: "May I ask what the chicken did?"


In a tumid, swelling, blustering manner; haughtily; violently.

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blatherskite ENGLISH

A blustering, talkative fellow.

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blatterer ENGLISH

One who blatters; a babbler; a noisy, blustering boaster.

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bluster ENGLISH

Noisy and violent or threatening talk; noisy and boastful language.

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bluster ENGLISH

To talk with noisy violence; to swagger, as a turbulent or boasting person; to act in a noisy, tumultuous way; …

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bluster ENGLISH

To utter, or do, with noisy violence; to force by blustering; to bully.

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bluster ENGLISH

To blow fitfully with violence and noise, as wind; to be windy and boisterous, as the weather.

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bluster ENGLISH

Fitful noise and violence, as of a storm; violent winds; boisterousness.

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blusterer ENGLISH

One who, or that which, blusters; a noisy swaggerer.

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blustering ENGLISH

Uttering noisy threats; noisy and swaggering; boisterous.

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blustering ENGLISH

Exhibiting noisy violence, as the wind; stormy; tumultuous.

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blusteringly ENGLISH

In a blustering manner.

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blusterous ENGLISH

Inclined to bluster; given to blustering; blustering.

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bounce ENGLISH

Bluster; brag; untruthful boasting; audacious exaggeration; an impudent lie; a bouncer.

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bounce ENGLISH

To boast; to talk big; to bluster.

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Jovial and blustering; dashing.

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A noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous; one who is threatening and quarrelsome; an insolent, tyrannical fellow.

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