"Huad-Huad" is a word in HILIGAYNON

huad-huad HILIGAYNON

huád-huád - Dim. and Freq. of huád.
Also: changeable, not firm, fickle.

Few words of positivity

Statistically, the odds that any given rape was committed by a serial offender are around 90 percent," Lisak said. "The research is clear on this. The foremost issue for police and prosecutors should be that you have a predator out there. By reporting this rape, the victim is giving you an opportunity to put this guy away. If you decline to pursue the case because the victim was drunk, or had a history of promiscuity, or whatever, the offender is almost certainly going to keep raping other women. We need cops and prosecutors who get it that 'nice guys' like Frank are serious criminals.

Jon Krakauer, Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town

Laugh your heart out.

Why do tomcats fight ?Because they like raising a stink !


tam dyuns n mens long hair style patterned after the singer, Tom Jones. v [A13] wear ones hair in the …

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sclave ENGLISH

In old English law. Minors or persons under age not capable of bearing arms. Fleta, h 1, c. 9; Cowell

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n. a kind of gecko.

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orache ENGLISH

A genus (Atriplex) of herbs or low shrubs of the Goosefoot family, most of them with a mealy surface.

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irmat n mother (slang). v [A12; b2] have a mother (slang).

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appeal ENGLISH

An application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for …

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regius ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a king; royal.

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insupportable ENGLISH

Incapable of being supported or borne; unendurable; insufferable; intolerable; as, insupportable burdens; insupportable pain.

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varveled ENGLISH

Having varvels, or rings.

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A scarf or band worn about the waist, over the shoulder, or otherwise; a belt; a girdle, -- worn by …

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testoon ENGLISH

An Italian silver coin. The testoon of Rome is worth 1s. 3d. sterling, or about thirty cents.

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kúnà - A congenital blemish or mark on the body, birth mark, mole. (cf. álum).

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absolute ENGLISH

Complete in itself; perfect; consummate; faultless; as, absolute perfection; absolute beauty.

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silvan ENGLISH
interpolation ENGLISH

The act of introducing or inserting anything, especially that which is spurious or foreign.

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inventful ENGLISH

Full of invention.

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A barge or lighter, used on the Type for carrying coal from Newcastle; also, a barge load of coal, twenty-one …

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