"Homoeomerical" is a word in ENGLISH

homoeomerical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, sameness of
parts; receiving or advocating the doctrine of homogeneity of elements
or first principles.

Few words of positivity

We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth.

Carl Jung

Laugh your heart out.

While crossing the US-Mexican border on his bicycle, the man was stopped by a guard who pointed to two sacks the man had on his shoulders. "What's in the bags?", asked the guard."Sand," said the cyclist."Get them off - we'll take a look," said the guard. The Cyclist did as he was told, emptied the bags, and proving they contained nothing but sand, reloaded the bags, put them on his shoulders and continued across the border. Two weeks later, the same thing happened. Again the guard demanded to see the two bags, which again contained nothing but sand. This went on every week for six months, until one day the cyclist with the sand bags failed to appear. A few days later, the guard happened to meet the cyclist downtown. "Say friend, you sure had us crazy", said the guard. "We knew you were smuggling something across the border. I won't say a word - but what is it you were smu ggling?" "Bicycles!"

accentual ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to accent; characterized or formed by accent.

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acrostical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, acrostics.

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adynamic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, debility of the vital powers; weak.

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alliteral ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by alliteration.

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alliterative ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, alliteration; as, alliterative poetry.

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amniotic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the amnion; characterized by an amnion; as, the amniotic fluid; the amniotic sac.

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antonomastic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, antonomasia.

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aphthous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or caused by, aphthae; characterized by aphtae; as, aphthous ulcers; aphthous fever.

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apostate ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, apostasy; faithless to moral allegiance; renegade.

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aptotic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, aptotes; uninflected; as, aptotic languages.

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artistical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to art or to artists; made in the manner of an artist; conformable to art; characterized by …

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asthenic ENGLISH

Characterized by, or pertaining to, debility; weak; debilitating.

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axiomatical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an axiom; having the nature of an axiom; self-evident; characterized by axioms.

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bubonic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a bubo or buboes; characterized by buboes.

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cacographic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, cacography; badly written or spelled.

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chemical ENGLISH

Pertaining to chemistry; characterized or produced by the forces and operations of chemistry; employed in the processes of chemistry; as, …

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corniferous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the lowest period of the Devonian age. (See the Diagram, under Geology.) The Corniferous period has …

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courteous ENGLISH

Of courtlike manners; pertaining to, or expressive of, courtesy; characterized by courtesy; civil; obliging; well bred; polite; affable; complaisant.

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dynamical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to dynamics; belonging to energy or power; characterized by energy or production of force.

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emmetropic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, emmetropia.

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