"Holonan" is a word in HILIGAYNON


holonán - (H) Perch, roost; meeting,
trysting place. (cf. hólon, hululunán).

Few words of positivity

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

Ernestine Ulmer

Laugh your heart out.

How do Iranians speak on the telephone?Persian-to-Persian (person-to-person).

shallow ENGLISH

To make shallow.

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exegesis ENGLISH

The process of finding the roots of an equation.

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A young lady of superior beauty and attractions; a handsome lady, or one who attracts notice in society; a fair …

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sigpat CEBUANO

sigpat v [b8] get a glance stolen at one. Nasigpatan ku siya nga nangupya sa iksámin, I glanced at him …

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entertainment ENGLISH

Payment of soldiers or servants; wages.

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housling ENGLISH

Sacramental; as, housling fire.

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damáso - (Sp. damasco) Damask, figured silk stuff; a kind of very thin and transparent cloth; fine thread or yarn.

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caruncula ENGLISH

A small fleshy prominence or excrescence; especially the small, reddish body, the caruncula lacrymalis, in the inner angle of the …

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rededór - (Sp. rededor) Surroundings, environs, environment, neighbourhood of a building, church, etc. (cf. maglíbut, katámbi).

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imperishable ENGLISH

Not perishable; not subject to decay; indestructible; enduring permanently; as, an imperishable monument; imperishable renown.

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kunól - To cease, stop flowing, be interrupted, run dry, to shrink, dwindle. Nagkunól gid kaáyo ang mga negósyo. Business …

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tángdò - To consent, agree, concur, give—, yield—, assent, acquiesce, accede, close with. Nagtángdo ikáw sinâ? Did you give your …

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The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place; a given …

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diskursohan HILIGAYNON

diskursóhan - Place, room, stage or platform for a discourse, etc.

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Having a toothed bill, like that of a toucan.

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covert ENGLISH

Covered over; private; hid; secret; disguised.

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lagas v {1} [A; a] pursue, run after. Nakalagas ku sa trák kay gilabyan lang ku, I was forced to …

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paviin ENGLISH

A glucoside found in species of the genus Pavia of the Horse-chestnut family.

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lugnas CEBUANO

lugnas v {1} [A23P] for plants to die from disease or from being past the fruit-bearing age. Gagmay nag búnga …

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Of or pertaining to spectrology; as, spectrological studies or experiments.

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