"Hogo" is a word in ENGLISH


High flavor; strong scent.

Few words of positivity

You could have done something with newspapers. We didn't do it. No nation did, because we were all too silly. We liked our newspapers with pictures of beach girls and headlines about cases of indecent assault, and no Government was wise enough to stop us having them that way. But something might have been done with newspapers, if we'd been wise enough.

Nevil Shute, On the Beach

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the dog have a gleam in his eye?Someone bumped his elbow while he was brushing his teeth.

doom palm ENGLISH

A species of palm tree (Hyphaene Thebaica), highly valued for the fibrous pulp of its fruit, which has the flavor …

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flavored ENGLISH

Having a distinct flavor; as, high-flavored wine.

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fumette ENGLISH

The stench or high flavor of game or other meat when kept long.

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Having the flavor of game, esp. of game kept uncooked till near the condition of tainting; high-flavored.

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hautgout ENGLISH

High relish or flavor; high seasoning.

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A well-known high-flavored juicy fruit, containing one or two seeds in a hard almond-like endocarp or stone; also, the tree …

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quince ENGLISH

The fruit of a shrub (Cydonia vulgaris) belonging to the same tribe as the apple. It somewhat resembles an apple, …

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Abounding in agreeable or nutritive qualities; -- especially applied to articles of food or drink which are high-seasoned or abound …

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sterlet ENGLISH

A small sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) found in the Caspian Sea and its rivers, and highly esteemed for its flavor. The …

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