"Hobanob" is a word in ENGLISH

hobanob ENGLISH

Alt. of Hobandnob

Few words of positivity

We have no business squatting on other people’s land and we have only ourselves to blame if they take a dim view of it. I mean, c’mon, what would you do if someone barged into our house and just took it over? How would you react? Are you going to say, welcome, intruders, take it all, we’ll gladly confine ourselves to the bathroom. That is, until you want us out of the bathroom as well. Then we will happily kill ourselves and leave you to deal with our bodies as you please. Is that what you would say? Of course not. You would make a complete ruckus. So why are you surprised when other people do the same?

Sonal Panse, The Sunshine Time: Season 1 Episode 5

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's a blonde's favourite wine?A: "Daaaddy, I want to go to Miaaami!"

adultness ENGLISH

The state of being adult.

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voidance ENGLISH

The state of being void; vacancy, as of a benefice which is without an incumbent.

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catapult ENGLISH

An engine somewhat resembling a massive crossbow, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for throwing stones, arrows, spears, etc.

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rejoinder ENGLISH

An answer to a reply; or, in general, an answer or reply.

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English: fold Tagalog: tupi

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divinization ENGLISH

A making divine.

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cruentous ENGLISH

Bloody; cruentate.

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palpiger ENGLISH

That portion of the labium which bears the palpi in insects.

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A young sheep that has not been shorn.

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kántaw - Diaphragm, midriff.

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biseye ENGLISH
decisive ENGLISH

Marked by promptness and decision.

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mellow ENGLISH

Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow apple.

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salvia ENGLISH

A genus of plants including the sage. See Sage.

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flating ENGLISH

With the flat side, as of a sword; flatlong; in a prostrate position.

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A species of inflorescence; a catkin.

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mulitsing CEBUANO

mulitsing = muritsing.

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malányog - See malániog id.

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