"Hit-Anran" is a word in CEBUANO

hit-anran CEBUANO

hit-anran n {1} hit-and-run.
{2} hit-and-run tactics in boxing.

Few words of positivity

We should always aim to read something different=not only the writers with whom we agree, but those with whom we are ready to do battle. Their point of view challenges us to examine the truth and to test their views...and let us not comment on nor criticize writers of whom we have heard only second-hand, or third-hand without troubling to read their works for ourselves...Don't be afraid of new ideas.

J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership

Laugh your heart out.

Why do dogs bury bones in the ground ?Because you can't bury them in trees !


In ecclesiastical law. Tenths, or tlthes. The tenth part of the annual profit of each living, payable formerly to the …

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surambaw CEBUANO

surambaw n {3} a large square or rectangular lift net operated with a scareline at night, using a lantern. paN- …

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remodel ENGLISH

To model or fashion anew; to change the form of.

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broadcast ENGLISH

Cast or dispersed in all directions, as seed from the hand in sowing; widely diffused.

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úway n address to aunts, female cousins of the parents genera-tion.

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cryohydrate ENGLISH

A substance, as salt, ammonium chloride, etc., which crystallizes with water of crystallization only at low temperatures, or below the …

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phenic ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, phenyl or phenol.

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maranatha ENGLISH

\"Our Lord cometh;\" -- an expression used by St. Paul at the conclusion of his first Epistle to the Corinthians …

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umbilicated ENGLISH

Depressed in the middle, like a navel, as a flower, fruit, or leaf; navel-shaped; having an umbilicus; as, an umbilicated …

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asonant ENGLISH

Not sounding or sounded.

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splendor ENGLISH

Magnifience; pomp; parade; as, the splendor of equipage, ceremonies, processions, and the like.

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revile ENGLISH

Reproach; reviling.

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indihistiyun CEBUANO

indihistiyun n indigestion. v [A13P; a4] have indigestion. Nag-indihistiyun (giindihistiyun) siya tungud sa kadaghan sa gikaun, She got indigestion from …

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Having peculiar views; fanciful; visionary; unpractical; as, a viewy person.

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contemningly ENGLISH
devour ENGLISH

To seize upon and destroy or appropriate greedily, selfishly, or wantonly; to consume; to swallow up; to use up; to …

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údlon - Wormy, worm-eaten, infested with worms, maggoty. (cf. ulúron).

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lingô - Turn one’s eyes upon, look sideways, glance aside, etc. See lingî, lingíg.

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